Top 6 scales for the mining industry
Mining companies handle loads of heavy materials that need to be weighed, crushed and processed. The industry relies on accurate scales to increase efficiency and reduce waste. These scales also need to be tough enough to withstand harsh environments. Here are six of the best types of scales for use in the mining industry.
Belt conveyor scales are used in most bulk material handling facilities. They consist of three components: the weighing carriage, the speed sensor and the integrator. These devices can be used to monitor production output and inventory.
Hopper scales are used to weigh bulk items before they’re transferred to a transport vehicle or mixer. They’re used to measure product flow to ensure the right amount of material is moved. Plus, they function well in wet environments.
Railcar scales monitor the weight of train cars as they travel. This helps save time, as loads can be weighed while they’re en route to their destination.
Weighbridge truck scales are fixed in one location and used to weigh trucks as well as their contents. This is done by weighing the vehicle when it’s empty and then again when it’s loaded. The weight of the load is then calculated. These scales are durable and can endure harsh environments.
Onboard truck scales weigh loads on a truck. They’re cost-effective options that can be installed on the chassis of many different types of truck.
Portable truck scales are mobile, flexible and accurate. One major benefit is that they can withstand heavy loads and sloping terrains.
How to maintain your scale Maintenance is important to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your scales. Here are a few steps you should take to keep your scale working properly:
Inspect it routinely for signs of damage
Check the weight and load cell assemblies for debris and buildup
Clean it regularly
Perform frequent calibration tests
Schedule regular preventive maintenance services
Scale services and certifications in Calgary If you need to have your scale calibrated or repaired, the experts at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. can help. We’re an authorized service provider, and we can certify trade devices on behalf of Measurement Canada. We also offer comprehensive scale services, including installation, maintenance, inspection, testing, repair and restoration. Additionally, you can rent one of our scales in Calgary, Red Deer or Swift Current. We guarantee that our products and services comply with all regulatory requirements. Contact us today to request a free quote.