
Does your scale control system have the right software?

If your business requires that you take highly precise measurements, having the right type of scale(s) is only half the battle. To make sure your system is fully integrated and efficient, you also need the appropriate control system, computer software and applications. A precision scale in itself can reassure your customers that they’re getting what they paid for. The right software, however, can make the weighing process more cost effective for your business. At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. we offer heavy capacity and retail scales, control systems, and software to businesses in the Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer and Swift Current areas. If you’re interested in saving time and money, you should take another look at your scale control system’s software.

What’s wrong with my manual ticketing system?
If your scales are producing manual tickets independently of your data management systems, your business will be forced to develop a complex method for entering data into your computers. By having your employees manually enter data, you create more opportunities for mistakes to be made as well as inefficiencies in your workflow.

Luckily, it’s not necessary to have employees manually track tickets and products as they’re being weighed. Having the right software in your scale control systems can take care of this task automatically, freeing up your employees for other, more important tasks such as ensuring your customers get the best service possible.

What are some specific ways new software can help my business?
At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we offer our own Smart1 Software as well as Rice Lake OnTrak Software and Rice Lake TransAct Software. Benefits of these systems include:

Compatibility with a wide range of computer systems
Our software options work with a wide range of Windows operating systems.

The ability to build custom applications tailored to your needs
One of the biggest advantages to updating your software is that it gives your business the opportunity to create custom applications that meet its unique needs. Creating applications specific to your business means you’re not paying for features you don’t need.

Extensive computer skills aren’t required
Upgrading your software won’t require your employees to go through extensive training to get them up to speed.

We can build your applications for you
If you don’t have the time or expertise to create your own applications, our experts at Accurate/Western Scale Co. can create them for you. It couldn’t be easier to get the latest and best software in order to integrate your precision scales with your data management system.

If your business needs the best precision scale control system software in the Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer and Swift Current areas, contact us at Accurate/Western Scale Co. today.

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