5 Tips For Cleaning Your Medical Scale

Precision medical scales require precise and ongoing cleaning to ensure safety, reliability and the longevity of the device. Here are some tips to ensure your medical precision scale is regularly sanitized

1. Share cleaning procedures with your employees

If your medical scale is in a public office or clinic environment, you should have a printed-out cleaning protocol for all staff to follow. The document should contain the following information:

  • What should be cleaned?

  • How often should it be cleaned?

  • Who will clean the equipment?

  • The method of cleaning

  • What chemicals or products to be used?

Posting these protocols in a public space and informing all staff of the procedures required will help keep everyone safe.

2. Sanitize the equipment after its used

Medical scales should be cleaned after every use. Waiting could lead to contaminants drying on the surface, thereby making it more difficult to clean. Viruses and bacteria can live up to three days on a plastic or steel surface so vigilant cleanings are paramount. Before you start cleaning, make sure to unplug your medical scale. You can then remove any powder with a dry tissue. Make sure to never blow materials on your scale as this could lodge debris inside the scale housing. Once all dust is removed, use a damp cloth and mild solvent to clean it. Remember to wipe away from the cone opening where the pan rests as well as the air ducts.

3. Be careful with water and liquids

Water can damage delicate electrical and digital systems, and liquids entering the scale housing can cause the device to malfunction. Be careful not to apply solvents directly to the scale. Instead, dab them onto a cloth or use anti-bacterial wipes.

4. Exercise caution when handling your scale

Medical scales are precision instruments and precautions should be taken when cleaning them. Avoid:

  • Putting too much pressure on the balance pan; this can damage the load cells

  • Lifting the scale and shaking it to loosen debris

  • Dropping the scale or handling it roughly

  • Moving, carrying or tilting the scale to clean it

In addition, using harsh chemicals can seriously damage the scale’s components. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations when selecting a solvent.

Medical Scales in Alberta

If you have questions about how to maintain your medical scale, we can help. The technicians at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. have a combined 40 years of experience maintaining and repairing all types of scales in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer,Swift Current and the surrounding areas. We’re accredited with Measurement Canada and have a reputation for excellence. Contact us today to learn more about our medical scales and services.

How accurate should your lab scale be?

Laboratory work relies on accurate measurements. That said, some applications can tolerate lower accuracy levels, while others demand the highest precision possible. This means there’s no universal answer to the question of how accurate lab scales should be. However, when it comes to choosing a lab-scale, here are some key considerations in terms of accuracy.

Important parameters

Every scale is characterized by parameters and the most important ones are readability, accuracy and repeatability.

  • Accuracy refers to how accurate a scale’s reading is to the actual weight of the object.

  • Readability refers to the lowest denominator the scale can display when weighing an object. For instance, a scale with a readability of 0.1mg has a lower readability than a scale with a readability of 1mg.

  • Repeatability refers to the scale’s ability to display the same measurement result for a given object under identical conditions. This is often expressed as a standard deviation, meaning that the lower the value is the less variation there is.

As a rule of thumb, a scale with lower readability will be more accurate, but that doesn’t mean they’re the same. A scale could have very low readability while also being inaccurate. And, if you need to add and remove weights in real time, make sure to check linearity and eccentricity values provided by the manufacturer.

Amount of accuracy needed The degree of accuracy you need is entirely dependent on what you use the scale for. Every application and lab has a certain tolerance for error or, more precisely, a maximum uncertainty tolerance. This parameter specifies how much uncertainty is acceptable when weighing things in the context of your lab, and that can change depending on the specific activities and work performed. For instance, if your uncertainty tolerance is 1%, your scale doesn’t need to be as accurate as if your tolerance was 0.1%.

To know if your scale is accurate enough, all you need to do is determine the smallest weight your scale can accurately weigh. This is done by dividing the balance’s repeatability by your maximum uncertainty tolerance, which will then give you a specific weight. If this weight is found to be 20 mg, for example, you now know your scale is accurate when measuring anything that weighs 20 mg and up. It’s therefore unsuitable for anything under that value.

Find a reliable precision scale in Alberta

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. carries a wide range of precision scales and we serve clients in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Swift Current and surrounding areas. Whether you need to source specialized equipment or want advice on how to equip your laboratory, you can count on our experts for help. Contact us today to find out more about our products and services.

Why it’s important to weigh your livestock regularly

The weight of your cattle is one of the most crucial data points you need to track if you want to ensure the success of your business. Here are four key reasons why purchasing a livestock scale is a great way to maximize efficiency and reduce costs.

To know when to breed them
Breeding decisions form the basis of your herd’s long-term profitability. When deciding which heifers to breed, it’s important to select ones that have reached puberty and are ready to be bred. Since weight is a major determinant of when puberty occurs in cows, it’s the variable to keep an eye on when identifying the best time to breed a heifer. This will help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

To know how much feed to give
Tracking how much weight your cattle is putting on is the best way to ensure you aren’t wasting feed. Raising cattle often means hoping replacement heifers as well as other animals reach their target weights within a reasonable timeframe. However, giving them too much food can end up costing you big. By tracking their weight, you can easily adjust feed quantities to maximize your profits.

To know when to wean them
Calf weight is important when deciding if it’s time to start weaning. Early weaning can be a great tool, especially if you want to increase pregnancy rates. By weighing your animals regularly you’ll be able to find out how much weight they’re putting on and how much more they’ll need to put on to be healthy when switched over to grazing or other forms of feeding.

To know how healthy they are
The challenging task of tracking the health of your herd can be made easier by weighing them regularly. Sudden weight loss, a common symptom of serious health issues, can be hard to notice on cows and other large animals. Using a livestock scale to monitor them is the best way to catch early signs of disease.

Find livestock scales in Alberta Accurate/Western Scale provides scales to help you manage your cows and other livestock. We’re a top provider of farm scales in Calgary and throughout Alberta. We also offer a range of scale repair and maintenance services. Contact us today to get a free estimate or learn more about how we can help.

Does a scale have to be recertified when it crosses the border?

A scale doesn’t have to be recertified once it crosses the border between Canada and the United States. This is thanks to the Canada/U.S. Type Evalulation Program. Here’s everything you should know about it.

About scale certification

In both Canada and the United States, scales used to buy and sell goods need to be certified as legal for trade. This certification can be obtained through authorized technicians and is necessary to ensure that trade relying on accurate weights proceeds fairly. In Canada, Measurement Canada is responsible for setting the standards and granting authorization to certify scales. In the United States, this job belongs to the National Conference of Weights and Measures (NCWM).

The Canada/U.S. Type Evaluation Program

Both countries have a type evaluation program for weighing equipment. In Canada, the needed laboratories are located in Ottawa. There, Measurement Canada conducts testing of scales against the Canadian requirement for legal for trade certification. In the United States, this is the job of National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP).

A 1994 agreement between the two countries allows for weighing equipment used in commercial activities to be tested for both sets of standards. This means Canadian laboratories can grant the U.S. NTEP certificate as well as the Canadian legal for trade certification, and vice-versa. In some cases, one country may also recognize the certification from the other country without need for further certification (fuel dispensers are one example).

Why this program matters

The program allows scale manufacturers to get their products tested for both countries in one place, cutting down on costs. Second, it lowers the barrier to entry for each market by allowing certification to take place all in one go. Finally, it helps to harmonize the technical and commercial standards between the two countries.

Equipment covered by the program

Here are the pieces of weighing equipment that are covered by the program:

  • Gasoline and diesel dispensers, speed dispensers and meters

  • Bench and floor scales with a capacity of up to 1000 kg, both electronic and non-electronic

  • Weighing equipment with capacity up to 1000 kg

  • Electronic indicators, unless software-based

  • Mechanical scales with capacity up to 10,000 kg

Scale inspection and certifications in Calgary

If you need to get a scale certified, Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. can help. We also offer repair and maintenance services for your crane or hanging scale, and we carry a huge selection of truck and floor scales too. If you’re in Calgary or anywhere in Alberta, give us a call to learn more.

Inaccurate scale readings: 7 causes and solutions

If you use your scale for commercial purposes, you need to be able to rely on it to provide consistent, accurate readings. Even if you have a quality scale that’s been properly calibrated, there are certain environmental factors that can affect readings. Here are seven potential causes of faulty scale readings that you should be aware of.


The load cells in your scale may be sensitive to vibrations from nearby equipment, resulting in inaccurate scale readings. To remedy this issue, you may need to relocate the scale to a stable surface that doesn’t experience vibrations.


A buildup of dirt, dust and debris on the scale, in the scale housing or lodged under the scale platform can affect scale readings. It’s important to regularly clean your scales and get the interior compartment of the scale periodically inspected and cleaned by a professional.

Temperature changes

When a scale’s load cell is exposed to large temperature variations, this can lead to inaccurate readings. Ideally, you should store and use indoor scales in climate-controlled environments.

Air currents

Sensitive indoor scales can be affected by even small amounts of air movement. Try to place scales out of the way of air ducts and air conditioning units.

Outdoor scales can be affected by wind, so if you require a precise reading, you may want to do your weighing on a day that isn’t too breezy.

Radio waves

Electromagnetic signals and radio waves can emit high-frequency vibrations that may possibly interfere with your scale’s electronic components. To counter interference issues, you may need to remove the source of interference or simply invest in a new scale. High-quality scales that transfer digital signals quickly aren’t affected by interference. With cheaper scales, however, even your cell phone frequency can affect the readings.


Scales and moisture don’t mix well. If your weighing equipment is in a humid environment, this can lead to problems. To remedy the issue, you can relocate the scale, dehumidify the room or invest in a scale with waterproof housing for the load cell.

Uneven surfaces

Even if your scale is perfectly calibrated, it may provide inaccurate or inconsistent readings if it’s resting on a surface that’s less than flush or rounded. Only use your scale on a totally even surface.

Comprehensive scale services in Alberta

If you need a new industrial, commercial or precision scale, count on Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. We carry high-quality products and provide weight scale inspection, calibration and certifications in Calgary and throughout Alberta. Contact us today to learn more about our scale products and services.

4 tips for removing snow from your truck scale

Not only do truck scales have to handle 30,000-pound semi-trucks, they also need to be able to stand up to the elements, including the snow, ice and freezing temperatures characteristic of Canadian winters. Although a quality truck scale is built with these conditions in mind, to perform well, it needs to be properly maintained. In winter, that means keeping the scale free of snow and ice. Here’s how to effectively perform this task.

Remove snow without damaging the platform

Robust as your truck scale is, it’s also a sensitive weighing instrument and needs to be treated with care. Clearing your scale with a snowplow or metal shovel is ill-advised, as you risk scraping the scale platform. Instead, clear your scale with a brush or plastic shovel. After larger snowfalls, opt for a time-saving solution such as a powered rotary brush or snowblower. Snowblowers are ideal, as they can blow the snow away from the sides of the scale. A buildup of snow alongside the scale can be problematic, as the snow can drift underneath it, causing suspension parts to freeze.

Clear ice using steam cleaning equipment

Ice makes scales dangerous to walk on and can cause inaccurate readings or even damage scale components. In particular, it can affect the suspension components and weighbridge joints.

By clearing away snow promptly, you can usually avoid ice buildup on the scale. However, after freezing rain, you’ll need to take steps to de-ice the platform. Using salt or chemicals isn’t recommended, as this can cause steel scale components to rust. The best tool for removing ice on your scale platform is steam cleaning equipment.

Set up barriers alongside the scale

As mentioned, you should avoid letting snow blow under your scale, as this can cause suspension components to freeze and thereby result in inaccurate weight readings. To prevent this, place barriers on either side of the scale. Some scale owners use hay bales for this purpose, but any solid barrier will do.

Invest in quality weighing equipment

It’s important to have a truck scale that can stand up to the elements. If you’re shopping for a new truck scale, be sure to choose a heavy-duty product designed to handle ice, snow and freezing temperatures.

State-of-the-art truck scales in Alberta Turn to Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. for high-quality truck scales and portable truck scales in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Swift Current and beyond. Contact us today to learn more about our scale products and services.

What’s a counting scale and what is it used for?

Many industries use counting scales, which are weighing machines that can also count the objects they weigh. This combination of functions is extremely useful in industries that rely on checkweighing and those that need to stick to very specific part counts. They’re found in warehouses and quality control centres and come in a variety of sizes. Here’s what you should know about them.

How do they work?

To count objects, counting scales use a sample unit weight. This weight is either determined by weighing a single piece or by manually entering it. Then, the scale divides the total weight of the objects placed on it and divides this by the unit weight, providing an accurate count.

This is extremely useful if you have a lot of one thing that you need to count (for instance, when packaging bolts and screws). However, make sure that the pieces you’re weighing are all the same, otherwise the measurements won’t be of much use.

What are their applications?

Counting scales are most often found in quality assurance and retail distribution warehouses. In both cases, lots need to contain the appropriate number of units, and failing to do so could result in getting fined.

This kind of scale is also fairly common in other industries, especially those that rely on having access to parts and materials, such as construction and plumbing. In these cases, being able to simply weigh a box to determine how much hardware you have left is much quicker, and much more reliable, than counting the pieces by hand. Contact our team for more info!

How do I choose the right model?

Counting scales come in many sizes and with a wide range of features. Which model is best for your warehouse will depend on what you want to use it for. If you have lots of small, lighter things, a compact scale with high resolution is likely you best bet. In a warehouse setting, however, a floor scale that can handle higher weights is a better option. The best thing to do is discuss your requirements with an expert.

Scale sales and rentals

Whether you need to get your floor scales calibrated or want a new precision counting scale for your small business, Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. has you covered. We offer a wide range of scales and services in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton and Swift Current. Contact us today to find out more.

Choosing the right pallet for your business

In the material handling industry, pallets are as common as they are varied. While all of them are designed for the same general purpose, they come in a wide variety of configurations. This can make selecting the correct one for your needs less than straight forward. However, doing so is a must. Here’s how to choose the right type of pallet for your business.


Pallets come in a variety of materials, and you’ll need to determine which ones meet your requirements. Here are some of the pros and cons of the most common types.

  • Wood is a strong and durable material that’s easy to handle, repair and recycle. On the other hand, wood has limits, as it’s heavy and prone to moisture damage. Plywood and pressed wood are lighter versions of traditional wood pallets, but they’re only suitable for lighter loads.

  • Plastic pallets are lighter than wood ones but strong. They’re resistant to corrosion and humidity and easy to clean. In general, plastic has a longer lifespan than wood ones. However, plastic pallets are complicated to repair and expensive to replace.

  • Metal pallets are usually made of aluminium. They’re much stronger than wood pallets and ideal for outside storage as they aren’t vulnerable to weather damage. However, they’re quite heavy and difficult to repair.

To determine which type of pallets you need, you should consider how frequently they’ll be handled, the type of materials you store, and other relevant details pertaining to their use.


There are two main types of pallet configuration: stringer pallets and block pallets.

Stringer pallets can only be lifted from two of their four sides, but are lighter than block pallets, which can be lifted from all four sides.

Block pallets tend to be more durable, but their weight can be an issue.

Both configurations come in many sub-types and sizes, so whatever your requirements, chances are you’ll be able to find your perfect fit.

Additional advice

The key to choosing the ideal pallet material and configuration for your business is to consider the application, in particular, the size and weight of the cargo, the mode of transport (forklift, pallet jack or other) and your pallet weighing procedures.

For example, if you’ll be using a forklift, see if the manufacturer recommends a specific type and weight of pallet. And if you relocate pallets frequently, consider which will be easiest to transport.

Additionally, if you have a lift truck or pallet jack scale (scales that integrate with your material handling equipment, thereby allowing you to weigh cargo during transport), choose a pallet type that facilitates accurate weighing. Ask a scale expert for recommendations.

Industrial and floor scales in Alberta

Whether you’re in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton or Swift Current, you can rely on Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. for a variety of sales, scale calibration, pre-planned scale maintenance and more. We can also certify your scales as legal-for-trade, so contact us today to make an appointment or to learn more about our services.

3 scales to improve efficiency at your fulfillment centre

If you operate a fulfillment centre, you know it’s important to maximize your efficiency. The faster you can move merchandise, the better your bottom line will be. Fortunately, having the right scales can help in a big way. Here are three scales you should consider for your business.

1. Floor scale

Floor scales are used to weigh items at ground level. They typically sit no more than a few inches off the floor and can be equipped with a ramp for easy loading. This type of scale can help you save on labour if you need to weigh heavy or bulky items. Instead of hoisting them up onto the weighing platform you can roll them on using a dolly or other device.

Floor scales are available in a range of sizes. At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we carry floor scales with platforms as compact as 12” by 12” or as large as 5’ by 5’. Our larger floor scales can handle capacities as great as 10,000 lbs.

2. Pallet truck scale

A pallet truck scale is a manually operated pallet truck (also known as a pallet jack) with an on-board weighing device that provides precise, reliable readings. It allows you to weigh items on the go and therefore streamline your process. Compare this with using a static scale, which entails the extra steps of unloading goods onto a scale, registering the weight and getting them back on the pallet jack.

The pallet truck scales we carry at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. have an accuracy of ± 0.1%, a capacity of 5,000 lbs. and feature an easy-to-read LED screen and push-button print function.

3. Lift truck scale

Do you use forklifts or lift trucks at your fulfillment centre? A lift truck scale mounts directly onto a forklift, allowing your forklift drivers to weigh items on the fly. Much like pallet scales, lift truck scales allow you to eliminate various steps in your work process. They can even be programmed to wirelessly link up with your warehouse management system (WMS) for easy data collection.

The lift truck scales we carry at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. mount directly onto any Class II or Class III lift truck, have a capacity of 5,000 lbs and feature an automatic calibration function.

Top-quality industrial and commercial scales in Alberta

At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we have an extensive selection of state-of-the-art scales, including floor scales, pallet jack scales and lift truck scales. We also offer scale rental for those who’d prefer to rent rather than buy their sales. Contact us to learn more about our scale products and services in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Swift Currant and surrounding areas.

5 accessories available for truck scales

Truck scales are integral to the trucking, transportation and shipping industries. They provide precise measurements on the go to maximize efficiency, ensure proper invoicing and help you adhere to regulations. To get the most out of your truck scales, make sure you have the right accessories. Here are five products for truck scales you may want to invest in.

1. Remote displays

A remote display allows drivers to view weight readings and messages at a distance in large LED letters. Certain remote displays can also be customized with red and green stop and go lights. Remote displays can be placed indoors or outdoors and either near to or far away from the scale.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. carries a range of top-quality remote displays. These products feature high-intensity LEDs that are easy to see in both foul weather and direct sunlight.

2. Automated ticketing kiosk

These state-of-the-art devices offer fully unattended or remotely attended ticketing and include advanced features such as vehicle recognition. Automated ticketing kiosks instantly print custom-formatted tickets for drivers at the end of a transaction and collect relevant weight data. The user-friendly interface integrates with your existing office and accounting system.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. offers custom automatic ticketing kiosk (ATK) systems with optional integrated accessories such as traffic lights and remote displays. The ATK systems we carry are designed to automate traffic flow, maximize productivity and reduce labour costs.

3. Data management software

Many companies decide to digitally collect weighing information for data analysis and other purposes. There’s data management software tailored to a wide range of industries, including transportation and shipping.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. offers a range of scale software options, including SMART1 programs, which allow users to design their own applications and tickets, as well as unattended vehicle software for automatic ticketing.

4. Side rails

Having guide rails alongside the scale helps ensure that trucks don’t drive off the edge, which can cause damage to the scale and truck and pose a safety risk to the driver.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. can equip your scale with custom rails made with robust materials.

5. Gates

Having gates at the entry and/or exit of your truck scale allows you to control access. Electronic gates are available that can be opened and closed either remotely or by the scale users.

State-of-the-art scales in Alberta

At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. we offer custom truck scales, portable truck scales, axle pad scales and a wide range of scale accessories. We also provide expert scale inspection and certification. Contact us to learn more about our scale products and services in Calgary and throughout Alberta.

Tips for reducing cattle shrink when weighing your livestock

Cattle shrink refers to the weight loss that cattle experience in the critical hours leading up to their being weighed and priced on the market. This weight loss results in a profit loss for livestock producers and is best avoided as much as possible. Here are some tips for minimizing cattle shrink, especially during the weighing process.

Understanding cattle shrink

The weight loss cattle undergo before market time is generally placed in one of two categories:

  • Tissue shrink, which refers to the loss of fluid from body tissues and is mainly caused by stress. It may take cattle 10 to 36 days to recover weight loss caused by tissue shrink.

  • Fill shrink, also called excretory shrink, is the loss of belly fill (food and water). This is caused by decreased food and water intake in the hours before weighing as well as stress.

A study in Iowa involving 4,685 feeder cattle found that cattle purchased from ranchers lost on average 7.2% of their weight due to cattle shrink.

Reducing cattle shrink during the weighing process

Cattle can lose as much as 3% of their weight during the weighing process. Using gentle handling methods for moving and processing cattle can mitigate this issue. One of the main mistakes that livestock producers make during the weighing process is to cram cows and calves into an alley for sorting, inducing stress in the cattle. It’s better to sort cows in a larger pen beforehand, then to process them quickly, without overcrowding them.

Additionally, during this time, avoid yelling or whistling at cattle and using electric prods, whips and dogs.

A well-designed livestock scale that keeps cattle comfortably in place can also make a big difference.

Other factors affecting cattle shrink

Additional causes of cattle shrink include:

Overcrowded trucks

On average, cattle shrink 2% during transport. Overcrowding is a critical factor as it causes stress and occasional injury.

  • Type of feed

Cattle that eat lush green grass prior to market time tend to shrink more compared with cattle that consume dried grass or hay, which is digested more slowly.

  • Time of day

When cattle are weighed early in the morning, they have little to no time to graze. It has been shown that cattle shrink is reduced when cattle have been allowed to graze until mid-morning.

Livestock and industrial scales in Calgary and throughout Alberta

At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we can set you up with a livestock or cow and livestock scale designed for easy, stress-free weighing of cattle. Contact us today for further information or for a free quote on a livestock scale in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer or elsewhere in Alberta.

What accessories are available for floor scales?

Floors scales allow businesses to efficiently weigh large items at ground level. They can, moreover, be customized for a variety of specific applications. Here are some of the top accessories available for floor scales.

  • Printers

Label and ticket printers are common accessories for floor scales.

Label printers print individual weight receipts with custom graphics and bar codes. Some businesses use this type of printer to print out weight readings and attach them to containers, allowing them to conveniently identify the weight of a container after it’s been weighed.

Ticket printers print documents with detailed weight data. This type of printer is ideal for businesses that keep hard copies of weight readings to use for detailed analyses.

  • Ramps

One of the benefits of having a floor scale is that rests close to ground level, allowing you to easily weigh bulky and heavy loads. Attaching a ramp to your floor scale can further facilitate the weighing process, making it possible for you to wheel items right up onto the scale.

Ramps are available in a variety of heights and widths to accommodate the particular dimensions of your floor scale.

  • Remote displays

A remote display allows you to view weight readings in large, clear LED letters. The device can be placed indoors or outdoors and be far removed from the scale itself.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. offers a range of high-quality remote displays. The products we carry feature high-intensity LEDs that are easy to read both in foul weather and direct sunlight.

  • Software

Nowadays, most businesses prefer to gather their information digitally as it allows for instant analysis of weight data.

Accurate/Western Scale provides scale software options such as SMART1 programs, which allow end-users to create their own custom applications and tickets. This software is user-friendly, but our staff is happy to set it up for you.

  • Surge protectors

By helping to prevent crashes and reboots, industrial-strength surge protectors help you avoid data loss and interruptions in your operations.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd carries the Tripp-Lite Isobar4 Ultra Surge Protector. The Isobar is a top-selling premium suppressor. This four-outlet unit provides robust surge protection, reducing 6,000-volt surges to harmless levels of less than 35 volts.

Customized floor scales in Calgary and throughout Alberta

At Accurate Western/Scale Co. Ltd., we offer floor scales in custom sizes and equipped with whatever accessories your business needs. Contact us for more information or for a free quote in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Swift Current or elsewhere in Alberta.

How scales work: the science of scales

There are many types of scales including floor scales, truck scales, lab scales, cattle scales and more. While each has unique features and is used for specific applications, they’re all digital weighing devices that work in fundamentally the same way.

How does a digital scale work?

Digital scales rely on metallic devices called load cells, which are contained in the scale’s housing directly beneath the weighing platform. Load cells convert force (i.e. pressure or compression) into an electric signal that can be measured and converted into a weight reading.

This is possible because the metallic body of a load cell is slightly elastic and bends, under the pressure of the weighed item. When this bending occurs, the electric resistance in the device changes. This alteration in electric resistance is used to determine the weight of the item on the scale.

Because digital scales determine an item’s weight based on the deformation in the load cell, accidental deformation caused by environmental factors such as shocks or temperature changes can result in false readings. For this reason, it’s important to be diligent in maintaining one’s scales and get them calibrated regularly.

How do mechanical scales work?

Though not as popular as digital scales, mechanical scales such as spring scales and balances are used for a variety of applications. They have the advantage of being able to function without battery power or electricity.

The most common type of mechanical scale is a spring scale. This weighing device has a spring fixed at one end and a hook at the other. When an item is suspended on the hook, the weight of the item stretches the spring and subsequently moves the pointer of the dial face.

Balances are also still commonly used. In their traditional form (these weighing devices date back to at least 2000 BC) a mechanical balance consists of a pair of weighing pans suspended on either arm of a horizontal lever, which is attached to a central pole. Standard masses, whose weight is known, are added to the one weighing pan to offset the unknown mass in the opposite weighing pan and level the balance. When the balance is level, the weight of the unknown mass can be calculated with the sum of the standard masses.

Commercial and industrial scales in Alberta

Turn to Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. for state-of-the-art scales in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton and Swift Currant. Contact us to learn more about our products or our scale inspection and calibration services.

What’s the difference between a commercial and an industrial scale?

There are many types of scales designed for a variety of applications, from pricing products at a meat counter to weighing livestock on a farm. However, all scales generally fall into two categories: commercial and industrial.

What are commercial scales?

Commercial scales are extremely precise and consequently tend to get used in retail transactions. They’re commonly found in grocery stores, jewelry stores, postal offices, and a range of other businesses. Retailers commonly use these scales in front of their customers so that both parties can see the weight and price of the product. They tend to be smaller and more portable than industrial scales.

Common features of commercial scales include printers for producing labels, removable platforms for quick clean-ups, and a bright dual-LED display for easy viewing for both the operator and the customer. Some commercial scales also include software features such as item memory, which eliminates repetitive price entries.

When they’re used to price products, commercial scales must be legal for trade. This means that they have to be certified by a representative of Measurement Canada or by an Authorized Service Provider such as Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd.

Commercial scales are also referred to as price computing scales, retail scales and food scales.

What are industrial scales?

Industrial scales are designed to be used on construction sites and farms, as well as in warehouses, factories and other industrial contexts. They’re resistant to moisture and impact and some are engineered to handle high-capacity and oversized loads. In addition, many industrial scales include advanced software features such as data collection, which provides valuable information for making business decisions.

Industrial scales are, moreover, designed to serve specific industrial applications. For example:

Lift truck and pallet jack scales are designed to integrate with these material handling devices to provide convenient weighing on the fly

Floor scales allow the operator to weigh heavy or large items at floor level

Truck scales are extremely heavy-duty, drive-on scales used to weigh road vehicles and their contents

Other industrial scales include conveyer belt scales, hopper scales, tank scales, crane scales, front end loader scales and livestock scales.

When industrial scales are used for commercial transactions, they need to be legal for trade. Provided they’re periodically calibrated, industrial scales can deliver high levels of precision.

Commercial and industrial scales in Alberta

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. carries a full selection of commercial and industrial scales. Turn to our experienced team if you need a truck scale, crane scale, hanging scale, livestock scale, retail scale or any other type of scale. We also provide inspection and calibration services in Calgary and throughout Alberta. Contact us to learn more.

Understanding scale IP ratings

An IP rating refers to the level of protection that an electrical device provides against solids and liquids. In other words, it tells you how dust-tight and water-resistant a device’s housing is. In this article, we explain how to interpret a scale’s IP rating.

Interpreting an IP rating

An IP rating is made up of two numbers. The first number indicates the level of protection against solids (right down to a fleck of dust) on a scale from 0 to 6. The second number indicates the level of protection against moisture on a scale of 0 to 9 (or 9K).

Protection against solids

The first number in the IP rating corresponds to the following protections:

· 0: no protection

· 1: protection against solid objects larger than 50 mm

· 2: protection against solid objects larger than 12 mm

· 3: protection against solid objects larger than 2.5 mm

· 4: protection against solid objects larger than 1 mm

· 5: full protection against dust interfering with the operation of equipment

· 6: equipment is dust-tight (no dust can reach the electrical components)

As an example, say the device has a rating of IP40 and therefore level-4 protection against solids. This means that its electrical components are protected against penetration of objects larger than 1 mm (wires, for example). However, dust and small debris could still penetrate the housing and come in contact with the electrical parts.

Protection against liquids

The second number corresponds to the following protections:

· 0: no protection

· 1: protection against vertically dripping water

· 2: protection against vertically dripping water when device is titled 15 degrees

· 3: protection against vertically dripping water when device is tilted 60 degrees

· 4: protection against splashing from any direction

· 5: protection against low-pressure jets

· 6: protection against powerful jets

· 7: protection against water immersion

· 8: protection against extended immersion under high pressure

· 9K: protection against high-pressure, high-temperature jets (such as pressure washers)

What IP rating should I look for in a scale?

Most quality commercial and industrial scales have the highest level of protection against solids (Level 6) and varying levels of protection against liquids. The level of moisture protection a scale requires depends on the environment where it will be used.

IP65 and IP67 scales are common for commercial and industrial applications. IP65-rated scales can be wiped down with a damp cloth and can withstand humid environments. P67-rated scales are splashproof and can be sprayed down for cleaning.

Purchase a precision scale in Alberta

Turn to Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. for a quality commercial or industrial weight scale. We also perform scale inspection and scale certifications in Calgary and throughout Alberta. Contact us to learn more.

The history of scales from 2000 B.C. to today

For thousands of years, scales have played a key role in human history, advancing the development of trade, commerce and science. Here’s how scales went from being simple weighing devices to sophisticated machines.

The balance (2000 B.C.)

The first weighing scales were balances, devices comprising two plates suspended on a horizontal beam attached to a central pole. The scales could freely tilt up and down on either side of the pole. To weigh an item, it had to be placed in a pan on one of the plates. Mass-setting stones were then deposited in an identical pan on the opposing plate until the plates were level. The number of stones used determined the object’s weight.

The oldest evidence of balances are mass-setting stones discovered near Pakistan that date back to around 2000 B.C. In addition, Egyptian hieroglyphs from this era depict scales being used. In fact, the scale played an important role in Egyptian mythology, as the god Anubis was believed to use one to weigh the hearts of the dead and therefore determine if they were worthy of entering the afterlife.

The Roberval balance (1600s)

The next significant development in scale technology didn’t come until 1669 when a French mathematician presented his weighing scale, the Roberval balance, to the French Academy. His balance had six horizontal beams rather than two. Its major innovation was at the level of precision. The weighed item and counterweight could be placed anywhere on the pans of the Roberval balance, whereas they had to be set at the exact centre on a traditional balance.

Spring scales (1800s)

The 18th and 19th centuries saw the invention and large-scale manufacture of the spring scale. Invented in England in 1770, spring scale measure the pressure exerted on a spring to determine the weight of an object. The spring scale was widely used to weigh letters and packages after the introduction of the Uniform Penny Post in the United Kingdom in 1840. This type of scale is still used today.

Digital scales (1900s)

In the 1980s, the first digital scales were produced. Digital scales rely on load cells, devices that are able to convert force to electrical signals. Digital scales are able to measure weights with extreme accuracy, which has made them indispensable for laboratory work and other applications that require high levels of precision.

Advanced customization (2000s)

Since the turn of the century, many innovations have made the advanced customization of digital scales possible. For example, digital scales can be integrated into industrial equipment, such as forklifts, conveyer belts, cranes and hoppers. And many of these scales are WiFi-enabled and can send weighing data directly to a computer.

Commercial and industrial scales in Alberta

Since 1992, Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. has been Alberta’s most trusted scale company. We install, inspect and certify commercial and industrial scales in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Swift Current and throughout Alberta. Contact us for more information.

How to disinfect your food scale

Scales used in food manufacturing plants and delis need to be sanitized throughout the day. If they aren’t regularly disinfected, contamination can occur, even if you don’t put items directly on the scale. Packaging or selling contaminated food can cause consumers to get sick, erode the trust of customers and cause you to run afoul of food inspectors. Here are the six steps to take in order to disinfect your food scale.

  • Disassemble the scale

Turn off the scale and separate removeable parts such as the weigh pan, drip tray and draft shield panels. However, don’t disassemble any of the main components of the scale, as this can damage the scale and will void the warranty.


  • Wash removable parts

The weigh pan, drip tray, draft shield panels and any other non-electronic, waterproof removable parts can be washed in a dishwasher or by hand with mild detergent. After, they should be sanitized and rinsed.

  • Wipe down the scale

Wipe the base of the scale and all non-removable parts with a damp cloth to remove dirt and debris. Wipe away from the hole at the centre of the scale so that no dirt, debris or moisture comes into contact with the internal parts. Never turn the scale upside down or shake it to remove dirt and debris, as this can damage the device.

  • Disinfect the scale

Sanitize the base of the scale using a cloth or paper towel that has been saturated in a disinfecting product. Choose a disinfectant that is non-toxic, capable of eliminating all germs and and won’t damage the scale. Don’t spray the disinfectant directly on the scale, as this could damage the electronic components.

  • Sanitize the surrounding surface

Sanitize the surface on which the scale sits and any other nearby surfaces that could have been contaminated by food products or anything else in the environment.

  • Reassemble the scale

Put the scale back together, then turn it on and test it to ensure that it’s working.

As a final tip, be sure to have a quality scale that’s designed for weighing food products. In particular, use a scale that’s easy to clean and designed to prevent bacterial growth.

A scale provider in Alberta

At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we offer a range of scales for use in food processing plants, at deli counters and for various other applications. We can provide retail scales, bench scales and precision scales. We’re also authorized to perform scale certifications. Contact us today to find the right scale or to schedule a scale inspection for your business in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton or Swift Current.

Spring maintenance for your outdoor scale

Similar to a house or vehicle, an outdoor truck scale requires regular maintenance in the spring to ensure it continues to function optimally. Here are a few tips to help you keep yours in perfect shape.

Why spring maintenance matters

Truck scales tend to get used a lot more between the spring and fall than during the winter. Plus, the snow, ice and cold temperatures of a typical winter in Western Canada can leave your scale a little worse for wear. This is why seasonal scale maintenance is crucial.

One of the biggest problems you’re likely to encounter are cracks in the load cells caused by continual freezing and thawing. Harsh winter weather can also cause bumper bolts to rust, and rodents are known to chew on cabling.

Note that spring maintenance is essential for all types of industrial scales, including warehouse floor scales and crane scales.

Your maintenance checklist

Here are the main components of your scale that require regular maintenance and what types of issues you should be on the lookout for in the spring.

Bumper bolts. Check that the bumper bolts aren’t too tight since steel expands in warm temperatures. If the bolts are already snug in the spring, they’ll likely press against the walls of the abutment and cause the scale to weigh light once the summer weather sets in.

Cabling. Cold weather, de-icing salt, rocks and rodents can damage the scale’s cables. Look for signs of cracks or decay, and make the necessary repairs. Otherwise, the scale’s weights could drift.

Load cells. Continual freezing and thawing during the winter can cause pavement and concrete to break apart. Inspect the load cells for any debris caught inside. To test that your scale is working properly, drive over it with a loader or forklift in both directions. Make sure the tires roll over each set of load cells. Then, compare the weight recorded by each cell to make sure your scale is measuring accurately. You can also use a pickup truck, but this test works better with heavier equipment.

Industrial scale experts in Alberta

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. offers repair and maintenance services to help you keep your outdoor truck scale in optimal condition. Since we’re accredited by Measurement Canada as scale inspectors, we can also calibrate your scales and certify them as legal-for-trade. Based in Calgary, we’re proud to serve clients throughout Western Canada. For more information, contact us today.

10 things to stop doing with your scale

For many industries, a scale is a vital piece of equipment. It’s also easily susceptible to damage and malfunction if used incorrectly. The following tips will help ensure your scale functions optimally for a long time. Here are 10 things not to do with your scale.

Load it unevenly.

If you don’t centre objects on your scale, the readings will likely be inaccurate. This can also damage the load cells over time, which will require repairs and recalibration.

Overload it.

This is the most common cause of a scale malfunction. Whether you’re using a floor scale or an outdoor truck scale, overloading it will almost certainly result in irreparable damage.

Expose it to water.

Unless your scale is designed to be used in humid environments, any exposure to water or moisture could damage the electronic components. Use it carelessly.

Even if the object weighs less than the scale’s maximum capacity, dropping a heavy load on your scale rather than placing it carefully can cause significant damage.

Leave it out in the cold.

Unless your scale is designed to be used in low temperatures, it likely won’t react well to constant exposure to cold weather.Weigh excessively large objects.

If an object is too big for the weighing plate, it won’t be weighed accurately. In addition, the uneven load could damage the load cells.

Weigh awkward objects improperly.

To reduce the risk of inaccurate readings and damage, try to hold unstable objects in place when they’re on the scale.

Skip on maintenance.

Scale maintenance isn’t optional. In fact, failing to have your scale regularly inspected and calibrated can turn a small problem into a serious issue down the line.

Fail to stabilize it.

All scales need to be placed on a level, stable surface to ensure they function properly. Additionally, if a scale is placed on an uneven surface, there’s a higher risk of a heavy load warping the scale or causing other serious damage.

Use an unreliable power source.

Faulty power adapters can cause a scale to give inaccurate readings. This can have serious consequences, especially if you use your scale to weigh products, measure dosages and bill clients.

Scale experts in Alberta

Whether you operate a warehouse or a laboratory, you can count on Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. We provide a full range of services, from sales to repairs. We’re also certified by Measurement Canada to calibrate your scale. We serve customers all over Alberta, including Swift Current and Red Deer. For more information on our services and the models we carry, contact us today.

How to care for your truck scales in winter

Whatever the season, regular maintenance of your truck scales is a must. However, Winter weather tend to take the biggest toll on outdoor weighing systems. That’s why it’s crucial to stay on top of maintenance during the winter. Here are some tips for keeping your truck scales in good shape over winter.

Keep your truck scales clean

Ice, snow, water, dirt and debris can find their way into cracks and build up around the load cells. This can compromise the accuracy of the scale and cause components to degrade. Notably, the copper wires in the load cell cables can corrode when exposed to moisture. Moreover, load cells and their suspended components need to be able to move freely in order to work properly. A buildup of dirt, debris, ice or snow will impair their functioning.

Check the foundation

Even the best quality scale won’t function properly on a poor foundation. Cracks or chipped edges on the concrete foundation supporting your scale will end up causing calibration issues. Concrete foundations are particularly vulnerable to cracking in winter due to freezing temperatures, high levels of moisture and the freeze-thaw cycle. So it’s important to check your foundation regularly to spot developing cracks. By detecting and repairing small cracks early, you prevent them from becoming large and affecting the functioning of your scale.

Get your scale professionally inspected

Truck scales should be professionally inspected at least every six months. Winter inspections are especially important, since your truck scale is more vulnerable to problems in this season. Calibration by a professional will ensure that your scale is accurate and, crucially, will reveal potential issues. Moreover, a scale technician will inspect the foundation, weighbridge, load cells, junction boxes, wiring and terminal, all of which are at risk of incurring damage as a result of winter weather.

For greater convenience, be sure to work with a scale technician who is able to inspect, recalibrate and repair your scale, so that these tasks can be performed in the same appointment.

Truck scale installation and inspection services in Alberta.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. in Calgary, Alberta, offers a range of superior quality fixed and portable truck scales. In addition, our Measurement Canada-certified technicians offer inspection, calibration and repair services for a wide array of weighing systems. For a free quote on a truck scale, or to learn more about our products and services, contact us today.n for cracks

How to calibrate your scale

Even the highest quality scale won’t give accurate readings forever. Many factors affect the scale’s accuracy over time, causing readings to “drift.” That’s why it’s important to calibrate them regularly. In many cases doing so is mandatory, for example if your scales are used to price products and need to be legal for trade. Here’s how to do it.

Calibrating a digital scale that isn’t legal for trade

If you have a digital scale that doesn’t need to be accurate down to the decimal, you may choose to calibrate it yourself. The first step is always to test your scale to see whether calibration is required.

If you don’t require a high degree of accuracy, you can use an object with a known weight, such as a dumbbell, to test the scale. If you need fairly exact readings, you should use calibrated weights. These may have been included with your scale.

If you’re using calibrated weights, a good way to ensure correct calibration is to use three weights that have a ratio of 1 to 2 to 4 and a cumulative weight that represents a substantial part of the scale’s capacity. Place the calibrated weights on the scale in different combinations to see if the sum adds up to their combined weight.

If the reading isn’t accurate, recalibrate the scale. Most digital scales have an easy-to-use calibration function. The process typically involves inputting the weight of the test object, putting the item on the scale, then allowing the scale to electronically recalibrate. For precise instructions, refer to your owner’s manual.

Having your scale calibrated by a professional

Any legal-for-trade scale needs to be certified by a scale inspector accredited by Measurement Canada. This requires precise calibration.

Calibrating scales so that they’re accurate and legal for trade requires professional expertise. Calibrations performed by the user using the scale’s built-in feature don’t guarantee sufficient accuracy.

Even if your scale doesn’t need to be legal for trade, you may still need a high level of accuracy that only a professional calibration can guarantee, for example if the scale is used in a laboratory setting.

Scale inspection and calibration in Alberta

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. is accredited by Measurement Canada as authorized scale inspectors. Our highly skilled technicians can inspect and calibrate your scales to ensure that they adhere to strict industry regulations. For more information about our scale certifications in Calgary, Red Deer, Swift Current and across Alberta, contact us today.

4 Reasons to Use a Floor Scale

Also called platform or pallet scales, floor scales weigh items at the ground level. They’re one of the most versatile and efficient weighing systems for warehouses and other industrial contexts. Because they’re so low to the ground, they’re ideal for weighing large and heavy items.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. carries and installs a wide range of high-quality floor scales. In this article, we tell you why this type of scale is worth considering for your business.

  • They’re versatile: They come in an array of sizes and have an equally wide range of weight capacities. The platform scales we offer at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. have platters as compact as 12” by 12”. Used to measure smaller items with a precision as fine as within 0.002 kg, scales this size have capacities ranging from 6 kg to 30 kg. Our floor scales, on the other hand, are as large as 5’ by 5’ and have capacities as high as 10,000 lbs.

  • They’re convenient: Generally, floor scales are equipped with on-and-off ramps for easy loading and unloading. They’re designed to accommodate pallet jacks, forklifts and other material handling equipment. Large models can also accommodate pallets themselves.

In addition, because of their low height, floor scales are easy to store, with some even being stackable. This allows you to free up more floor space in your facility. Certain models also include wheels, allowing for easy transport.

  • They’re heavy-duty: Floors scales are designed with harsh industrial environments in mind. Made with robust, corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel and equipped with heavy-duty load cells, they’re able to withstand constant use, transport and repeated contact with heavy machinery.

  • They’re accurate: When you purchase a floor scale with Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., its size and hardiness is never at the expense of its accuracy. Our state-of-the-art scales provide consistently accurate readings. In addition, our experienced, Measurement Canada-certified technicians are available to perform general maintenance as well as to inspect, calibrate and certify your scale. This ensures that your equipment remains perfectly accurate, compliant and in optimal condition.

Quality floor scales for your Calgary or swift current business Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. can provide your Alberta business with custom-built floor scales and a quick, professional service. We can handle all your inspection, calibration, maintenance and repair needs. For a quote on a floor scale or to have your equipment serviced by one of our highly trained technicians, contact us today.

The importance of industrial scale maintenance

Service calls by an Authorized Service Provider like Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. involve a range of tasks aimed at keeping your scale in optimal working condition. These include inspection, testing, calibration, repairs, part replacement, cleaning, inspection reports and scale certification. Here’s why regular maintenance is crucial.

It helps your business survive and grow
Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure that your scale consistently provides accurate readings. No matter how high-end it is, over time various factors will cause its readings to drift or jump around. These include, notably, regular wear of the equipment’s components and humidity changes in the environment.

Inconsistent readings from your scales hurt your business. They lead to inaccurate data, unfair transactions that undermine confidence in your company as well as under- and overloading. In addition, they can make your products unusable, for example, in circumstances requiring high levels of precision, such as mixing ingredients.

In addition, preventative maintenance extends the lifespan of your equipment, allowing you to get the most out of your investment.

It ensures that you avoid closures and fines
Service calls by an Authorized Service Provider include inspection, calibration and scale certification and therefore help ensure that your scale is legal-for-trade. Under the changes made to Canada’s Weights and Measures Act in 2014, all weighing and measuring devices used for trade must be certified and must have their continued accuracy and precision monitored. Industries in which scale certification is mandatory include the dairy, oil and gas, mining, grain and field crops, forestry and fishing sectors.

If one or more of your business’s scales fail to meet scale regulations, they will be taken out of use until the issue is resolved, which can result in costly downtime in your business operations. In addition, your company could be subject to fines or even closures, which could hurt its reputation.

Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. has been accredited by Measurement Canada as authorized scale inspectors. This means that we can inspect and certify trade devices on behalf of Measurement Canada. When you sign up for our optional pre-scheduled maintenance program, you ensure that your scale provides correct reading, remains in optimal condition and complies with all industry regulations.

Industrial scale maintenance in Alberta
Count on the highly trained technicians at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. to keep your industrial scales in top condition. To learn more about our pre-scheduled maintenance program or our scale inspection, calibration and certification services, contact our team.

How pallet truck scales can save time

Pallet jack scales, also called pallet truck scales, are designed for businesses that want to weigh incoming and outgoing cargo with optimal efficiency. Here’s how they can save you a lot of time.

Weigh items on the go

Pallet jack scales are designed to weigh goods as they’re being transported. This eliminates the need to use a static scale. This extra step entails unloading the goods onto the scale, registering their weight then loading them back onto your pallet. This process eats up a lot of time, especially it’s repeated dozens of times in a day. It also makes your business less efficient: the static scale may be out of the way (or in the way), with the weighing station acting as a bottleneck in your operations.

The Intercomp PW800 Pallet Truck Scale, available at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., is particularly efficient for weighing items on the go. It’s fast calculating, has an accuracy of ±0.1% and includes a large, easy-to-read LED display and membrane keyboard for performing weighing functions. It has a push-button print option for recording gross, net, tare and count total.

Transport your scale anywhereA scale on wheels is extremely practical. You can transport it to the load you need to weigh, rather than the other way around. This removes a step in your operations and reduces strain on workers and transportation equipment.

Just be sure that you choose a pallet truck scale that has an ample weight capacity to handle all your cargo. At 5,000 lbs, the PW800 has the industry’s highest standard capacity. And thanks to its rechargeable battery that provides up to 25 hours of continuous use, it’s easy to keep it use-ready.

Prevent wasteful accidents
The ability to weigh the various items you transport and load can prove an important safety measure. For example, if your warehouse has pallet racking, equipping your pallet trucks with scales will reduce the risk of overloading the structure. Excess weight on pallet racking can compromise its structural integrity, leading to major accidents that cost your business time and money and may cause serious, potentially fatal, injuries.

The Intercomp PW800 is designed to provide rapid and reliable weight verification so that workers always have the information they need for safe loading.

Pallet truck scales in Alberta
Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. in Calgary offers numerous top-quality material handling scales, including lift truck scales and the Intercomp PW800 Pallet Truck Scale. For more information about our products and our installation services, contact us today.

5 tips for getting the most out of your floor scale

Also known as platform scales, floor scales are large weighing systems whose platform is at or near ground level. They can be used in a variety of ways and offer some distinct advantages. Whether you’re purchasing a floor scale or want to make the most of the one you own, here are five tips for using it.

1. Use it for weighing hard-to-lift cargoOne of the main advantages of a floor scale is that it’ low to the ground. This makes it ideal for weighing cargo that would be difficult to place on a higher scale. Most floor scales come with small ramps that facilitate loading and unloading. Moreover, they’re designed to accommodate pallet jacks, forklifts and other loading equipment.

2. Store it when it isn’t in useThanks to their low profile, floor scales are easy to store. Many models can even be stacked. This allows you to free up floor space.

3. Use it for your heaviest and bulkiest loads
Floor scales generally have very high weight capacity, a large surface area and a heavy-duty construction. As a result, they can be used to weigh loads of every shape and size.

4. Speed up your wash-downMost floor scales have a surface that’s quick and easy to wash, such as stainless steel. Reduced cleaning time is always a plus. This also makes floor scales an ideal option for hygienically sensitive environments such as pharmaceutical manufacturing plants.

5. Take advantage of its versatility
Floor scales are used in many industries and perform a wide array of functions. For example, in agriculture they’re used to measure and monitor the weight of animals. They can be combined with accessories like cages to make animal weighing easier. Farmers also use floor scales for weighing bulk items such as produce, fertilizer and grain.

In manufacturing, they’re commonly used for weighing incoming and outgoing shipments. Their size enables them to accommodate bulky items like pallets and containers. Floor scales can be custom-sized according to your business’ needs and can be installed below- or above-ground.

Floor scales in Calgary, Swift Current and across AlbertaAccurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. supplies and installs floor scales built according to your specifications. In addition, we provide inspection and calibration services to ensure that your scale adheres to industry regulations. For a quote on a floor scale, or to have your equipment inspected or serviced by one of our technicians, contact us today.

2022 Livestock Scales Buying Guide

This guide about “what to consider when buying a cattle scale” was first published in 2019, this is the June 2022 version. Every rancher knows the importance of a high-quality livestock scale for maintaining animal health and maximizing profits. However, buying the best livestock scale for your needs requires some research and forethought. Here are some points to consider when purchasing a new cattle scale.

1. What are you weighing? Platform size
You’ll need to determine the best size for your weighing platform, first. Depending on the animals you’re going to weigh, your scale will also need different features. The size of the animals, how many of them you’ll need to weigh at once and whether you’ll have to secure them are all factors you should to take into consideration.

2. Do you need a mobile scale? Portable vs. Permanent
Portable scales are a more popular choice for cattle farmers because of their versatility. It’s much easier to transport the weighing unit to the cattle than to move the animals to the weighing platform. Setup is simple, too. You can mount the load cells before the squeeze chute entrance or anywhere in an alleyway where you know the cattle will stop. You don’t need to bolt a portable scale onto a solid surface like concrete – they can function on any terrain, even gravel. However, they may become insufficient if you need to weigh many animals. They’re also typically less durable than their stationary counterparts.

Permanent scales are more suited for larger operations as they can weigh numerous animals simultaneously. Brackets are bolted into a concrete floor to ensure stability and reliability. The platforms may be gated to ensure the cattle don’t step off the sides. You can also mount the load bars under your squeeze chute for improved efficiency. However, this requires dedicating a large area of your operation to weighing.

3. How durable does it need to be?
Depending on where and how you use the scale, you may need to invest in a more durable model. This will depend on local climate as well as where the scale will be located and used. If it’s a stationary scale, you’ll need to make sure it’s built in such a way that it won’t be at risk of becoming damaged by anything in the vicinity. If you opt for a mobile scale, make sure it can handle your terrain and the use you plan to make of it.

4. What type of floor for your cattle scale? Animal safety
The weighing process can be stressful for your animals, so you want to make sure accessing the scale is as easy as possible. Scales with rubber flooring can reduce noise for both animals and operators. Rubber flooring also has an advantage over wood planks because it won’t rot or harbour bacteria. For large cattle it is also recommended to connect your platform to an alleyway to get animals on and off more easily.

5. Do you need data management? Data collection Most modern scales are designed to be paired with a digital weigh centre or indicator that collects and stores weight data for you. You can quickly download the data into a spreadsheet on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. Advanced memory models can keep hundreds of pieces of data on a single animal. Some scales are outfitted with electronic identification (EID) to identify individual animals as they step on the scale.

Even if you don’t think you need these features now, it’s important to consider them, as they may become crucial when your operation grows. Recording important data will help you to streamline operations down the line.

6. Does the scale need to be legal for trade?
If you’re going to use your scale to buy and sell livestock, it needs to be certified as legal for trade according to Measurement Canada specifications. These are available in single- and multi-animal versions, as well as in both mobile and stationary formats.

Cattle scale sales and service in Alberta
At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we offer a variety of livestock scales to suit any operation. We are accredited by Measurement Canada, and we can certify devices as legal for trade. We also provide mobile cattle scale repair services to minimize downtime. Contact us today at our facility in Calgary, Alberta, to learn more about our products and services.

How to maintain your truck scale

To ensure its proper functioning, a truck scale should undergo maintenance at least once every six months. However, this frequency may change depending on a number of factors, including how frequently the scale is used, the climate it has to operate in and the material it’s weighing. Here are the main steps involved.

A core reason for regular maintenance is that the scale needs to be calibrated regularly. This is extremely important because if the scale is used for commercial purposes, inaccuracies can lead to fines. Overloaded trucks also pose a serious safety hazard.

Foundation repair
A cracked or damaged foundation can lead to serious problems. First, cracks lead to settling, which in turn causes chronic inaccuracies and calibration errors. Second, small cracks will eventually become larger and jeopardize the structural integrity of the entire installation, leading to very costly and time-consuming repairs that may involve replacing the entire foundation.

Weighbridge inspection
The deck needs to be inspected for any signs of wear, like rust or crumbling concrete. Binding can also be a problem, as even small rocks the size of a golf ball or smaller can become wedged between the foundation and the deck.

Checking device examination
Not all scales use them, but if yours does, you’ll need to make sure the checking devices are in good shape. Pay special attention to the attachment points and verify that the rods are level and free of debris.

Load cell assessment
The load cells are a crucial part of any scale, and they need to be able to move freely within their capacity range to provide accurate measurements. Thus, the load cell area has to be checked regularly for debris, which can easily build up between inspections and prevent the scale from operating properly.

Junction box inspection
It’s very important to check the junction box for any condensation, as moisture is a very common problem with truck scales. This is because they’re often exposed to temperature differentials during normal operation, and overly enthusiastic washings can cause water to seep into the junction box. Left alone, this humidity can corrode components and cause short circuits.

Alberta’s scale experts
For everything from installation to calibration and maintenance, you can trust Accurate/Western Scale Co. LTD. Our technicians are certified by Measurement Canada to calibrate legal for trade scales and we have experience with both heavy-duty trucks scales and laboratory precision scales. Contact us today to learn more about our calibration, sales or rental services.

3 Things to consider before buying a shipping scale

If you operate a business that relies on mail services, you can’t do without a quality shipping scale. Accurately weighing your outgoing packages is crucial. To determine which bench scale is right for your shipping needs, you’ll have to take the following things into consideration.

1- Your shipping partners Familiarize yourself with your shipping company’s services, as each company has different measuring, pricing and labelling procedures. Adapting your packaging practices to these procedures will allow you to increase efficiency and save money. Alternatively, you may want to choose your shipping partner on the basis of their pricing system. Because these factors may affect the size and weight of the packages you send, it’s important to clarify have a good understanding of them before purchasing your scale. 2- The size of packages you ship Having a scale that’s too small or too large for your shipping needs isn’t ideal. Too small a scale won’t accurately weigh oversized packages. On the other hand, too large a scale will cost you more than you need to pay and take up more space than necessary. That said, it’s better to be on the large side, especially if you anticipate that your business will ship larger items in the future. Of course, you’ll need to choose a scale that can handle the weight of the packages you’re sending. Inaccurate weightings could end up costing you a lot of money and could reduce customer confidence. 3- The features you need Depending on your needs, you might need some of the following features:

  • Automatic tare

  • A large, bright display with clear lettering

  • A label printer

  • Ability to measure in kilograms, ounces and pounds for international shipping

  • Rechargeable battery for portability

  • RS-232 or USB port to connect to a computer or printer

If you’re not sure about which features you need, speak to a certified scale technician. They can also certify your scale as legal for trade per Measurement Canada requirements. Alberta’s scale experts At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we offer a range of precision bench scales. Our expert scale technicians can help you determine which one is right for your shipping needs. For more information about our scales or our installation, inspection and repair services, contact us today.

The complete guide to crane scales

Crane scales are a type of hanging scale used in a wide range of commercial and industrial operations. Here’s everything you need to know about them, including common applications, purchasing advice and safety considerations.

What’s a crane scale? Crane scales, and hanging scales in general perform two important functions: they provide a measurement of an item’s weight and they ensure operators don’t overload cranes or hoists. Overloading presents a safety hazard as well as considerable losses due to broken equipment and machinery. They’re ideal for measuring bulky, oversized loads that can’t be easily weighed using platform scales. They’re typically used for things like weighing freight before it’s transported on planes, trains and ships and determining whether a load is too heavy to be lifted by a crane or other piece of equipment. Crane scales are attached to the crane or hoist’s hook. The digital readout indicates the weight of the load as well as the amount of force being placed on the crane, allowing you to determine whether the crane can transport it. Crane scales vary widely in price, depending on features and capacity. Key features Crane scales range from high-capacity steel units designed for heavy-duty use to precise and lightweight aluminum small-capacity units. Modern crane scales are built to be used in dynamic work environments, meaning they’re not influenced by swaying and they have built-in stability adjustment capabilities to accommodate a range of environmental conditions. Properly calibrated, crane scales offer an efficient and flexible way to weigh materials, as most of them allow operators to switch between different measurement units. In addition, they’re accurate within 0.1 to 0.2 per cent, even when weighing the heaviest of objects. Finally, their large LED screen allows operators to read results from several feet away, even in low visibility conditions. Why you may need crane scales Crane scales have many advantages over traditional weighing solutions. Here are some reasons you might want to consider purchasing one.

  • You need to save floor space. Space is usually at a premium and your facilities may not be able to accommodate a weighing area or floor scale. A crane scale can be taken to the item you need to weigh, meaning you don’t need to sacrifice precious space.

  • You need to weigh awkwardly shaped items. Some items are unwieldy and awkward to balance. A crane system will allow you to weigh these items precisely and accurately.

  • You need accurate measurements. If you’re loading a freighter, manufacturing an aircraft tire or using your scale to portion out goods sold by weight, then precision and accuracy are crucial. Some models can withstand industrial use while providing measurements that are accurate within 0.1 per cent with a capacity of up to 200,000 kilograms (about 220 U.S. tons).

  • You want to streamline operations. Eliminating the need to move items to a specific weigh station means more hours of labour going toward increasing productivity. Cutting down on forklift traffic will allow you to keep your team focused on bringing in and processing customer orders.

  • You want a safer workspace. With crane scales, you don’t need to transport goods to a weighing area with forklifts. A decrease in forklift traffic means fewer opportunities for accidents, injuries and losses. Your operations will be safer and more efficient.

8 things to consider before buying a crane scale The advantages of crane scales are fairly clear. However, here are eight key things to consider when deciding which one you should purchase.

  1. The average load weight. Perhaps the most important factor to consider when choosing a crane scale is the average weight of the load you’ll be weighing. Some scales can handle loads that that weigh upwards of 100,000 kilograms while others are designed to give very precise measurements for small loads of 10 to 50 kilograms. Keep in mind that the expected maximum weight shouldn’t exceed two-thirds of the maximum permissible rated load of the scale. Otherwise, you’re putting the equipment and everyone nearby in danger.

  2. Industry and applications. Make sure the model you purchase matches your specifications and application needs. You’ll need a much more durable and heavy-duty hanging scale for lifting large loads on a construction site or shipping dock than for weighing smaller loads in a store or stockroom. You should also consider whether you’ll need to be able to attach the scale to other equipment, read the display screen from far away or operate the scale remotely.

  3. Manufacturing compliance. Make sure the company you’re buying from manufactures and calibrates in accordance with local regulations, especially those related to measurement values, units, accuracy and safety.

  4. Ease of use. You want crane scales that are easy to use and read. Hard-to-use models could cancel out the efficiency gains of using crane scales in addition to introducing a higher risk of error and accidents.

  5. Precision and accuracy. When selecting a scale, pay attention to the how sensitive, or precise, the scale is. The measurement precision you’ll need will depend on what you’re using the scale for. Similarly, accuracy may prove crucial depending on the application. It’s also important to consider that load volume is critical, as freight cargo might shift and cause catastrophic accidents if the load is unbalanced.

  6. Professional installation. Higher capacity crane scales need to be professionally installed, calibrated and maintained. It’s a good idea to train your workers so they know the basics of the scale’s operation and are able to spot issues.

  7. Versatility. Look for models that allow you to change measurement units. The more versatile the crane, the easier it will be to integrate the crane scale into your business operations.

  8. Work environment. Finally, you should think about the type of environment in which you’ll be using the crane scale. Some models work best at certain temperatures and in dry environments while others are suitable for all weather conditions and are resistant to dust and water.

Safety considerations Crane scales are often used to handle very heavy materials. An accident can have devastating consequences. When choosing a scale, you need to make sure it won’t be used to weight anything exceeding two-thirds of its maximum load. The reason you need that wide of a margin is that crane scales are often used to weigh dynamic loads, meaning they could move during the weighing process. If a load that’s right at the crane’s limit moves, it can cause the load cells to overload. Overloading can pose a serious risk to the equipment and the safety of staff working in the area. As crane scales are integrated into lifting equipment, it’s recommended to have them inspected by a professional every three months, since a problem could mean lifting equipment malfunction. This is usually enough to spot any potential problem. Alberta’s scales experts Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. offers a wide range of crane scales as well as calibrations, servicing and rentals. Our team can help you find the right crane scale and we have numerous options to suit almost any budget. Call us at 403-250-3232 to learn about our products and services. You can also complete an online contact form to get a quote.

5 scales that are used widely in the food industry

Scales are vital to the food industry and they’re used at virtually every step, from weighing grain with a truck scale to weighing customer purchases at the deli counter with a retail scale. Here’s a brief overview of five types of scales that play a crucial role in the food industry.

1. Truck scales
Truck and axle scales can be used to efficiently weigh and document inbound and outbound freight, for example incoming ingredients and outgoing finished goods. They’re useful for managing inventory and for billing purposes. They also ensure that overloaded trucks don’t go out onto the highway, where they might represent a serious hazard.

2. Floor and bench scales
Floor and bench scales are used widely for shipping, receiving and sorting inventory. They provide accurate measurement and are available in waterproof IP-rated stainless steel. These scales are highly convenient, especially in the food industry, because they make it possible to maintain impeccable sanitation standards through quick and frequent washings.

3. Belt scales
These scales attach onto a conveyor belt and can weigh individual boxes and containers as well as unpackaged food products. Since they weigh items while the belt is in motion, they can eliminate off-line weighing, a time-consuming step that tends to slow operations. Belt scales connect to label printers, computers and scanners and are used for managing inventory and for billing.

4. Checkweighers
These scales provide highly accurate real-time readings, ensuring that your finished goods are correctly weighed right down to the last decimal. This is essential for complying with governmental regulations and for maintaining client satisfaction and confidence. In addition, food-grade, stainless-steel checkweighers are designed to meet the food industry’s strict hygiene requirements.

5. Retail scales
Retail or price computing scales are essential for any food retailer that sells products by weight, such as grocery stores, delis, bakeries and candy shops. They feature dual LED displays, which allow both the operator and the customer to have product and pricing information. They integrate with label printers whose labels accommodate bar codes, ingredient lists, weight, dates, nutritional facts, logos and more.

Superior scales for the food industry in Alberta

If you need precision weighing equipment for your food processing or retail operation, turn to Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. We distribute, install, service and calibrate a wide array of scales, including state-of-the-art truck, floor, bench, belt, hopper, retail scales and checkweighers. For more information about our products and services, get in touch with us.

A guide to checkweighers

Checkweighers are machines used to verify the weight of packaged goods, either before or after the packaging step itself. Manual or automatic, these appliances are found in any sector that relies on accurate weighing of merchandise, including the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. They offer many advantages over off-line spot weighing, and here are four reasons you might need one.

1. You want to increase profits


2. You want to avoid fines

Given proper calibration and regular inspections, in-line checkweighing is the best way to ensure you respect governmental regulations and industry standards. Relying on off-line spot weighing is risky, as errors can creep in and result in hefty fines should an unsatisfactory product end up being sold.

3. You want to boost your reputation

Ensuring that all your products are within weight requirements is a great way to solidify your brand’s standing. In addition, prospective clients asking about your production capabilities will be encouraged by the implementation of in-line checkweighing solutions, as they’ll ensure both compliance with regulations and trustworthy, reliable service.

4. You want to streamline operations

Most checkweighers can be integrated into data management systems, providing real-time production, waste, rework and yield statistics that can be used to further streamline your production processes by identifying areas where loss can be minimized and even eliminated. In addition, properly calibrated in-line checkweighing generally reduces error rates, reducing the time, resources and labour costs of resolving them.

5. You want to ensure equipment effectiveness

In-line monitoring of production allows you to track variations and events that lead to downtime. This makes it possible to eliminate these factors and guarantee that your operations run as efficiently as possible.

Installation, inspection and calibration experts

A checkweigher is only as good as the people who install, calibrate and maintain it. To ensure yours performs as efficiently as possible, trust the experts at Accurate/Western Scale. We’re authorized to certify scales by Measurement Canada and we carry a wide range of products, from precision tools to loader scales. Contact us today to request a free quote.

10 things to know about loader scales

One of the most important metrics for any mining, aggregate and quarry business is payload weight. In a highly competitive environment, the best tool at your disposal to ensure accurate and efficient payload weighing are on-board loader scales, and here’s ten things you should know about them.

1. They fill a crucial need. Precise payload weighing isn’t a luxury. Even small errors in weight can translate to substantial financial losses down the road and on-board loader scales are the best way to ensure accuracy.











If you’re interested in increasing your productivity and lowering your operating costs,contact us at Accurate/Western Scale today. In addition to helping you with loader scale installation, we provide full support and maintenance for all our products and we can also certify and inspect your scales.

Does your business need a belt scale?

In virtually every industry that involves the extraction of raw materials or food harvesting, it’s important to have accurate weight data. This data helps companies to optimize efficiency and profitability and in some cases is necessary to ensuring one’s compliance with industry regulations.

Belt scales allow you to accurately and efficiently weigh materials in the first stage of raw material extraction or food harvesting, during which materials are loaded on to a conveyor belt before being transported to a manufacturing facility.

How do belt scales work?

Belt scales attach onto conveyor belts and provide continuous weight and flow rate measurements of the materials travelling along the belt. This data is calculated by weighing the belt load and measuring the belt speed.

How do belt scales help to optimize efficiency?

Using a belt scale eliminates a step in the production process, for materials are weighed on the fly, while being transported. Compare this with weighing the materials before they’re loaded onto the conveyor belt, using a conventional scale, or weighing them once they’re in the truck, using a truck scale. These represent an extra step in the loading process and an expense in terms of both time and labour.

Belt scales, on the other hand, weigh materials without adding any time to the loading or transportation processes. And, being entirely electronic, there’s no labour involved.

Belt scales can offer these same advantages to manufacturing business that uses a conveyor belt in their factory operations.

What are the applications of a belt scale?

Belt scales are used in a wide range of industries such as:

  • Mining
  • Mineral and aggregate extraction
  • Agriculture
  • Bulk material handling
  • Port handling

They can attach onto virtually any machine with a conveyor belt system, including agricultural technology, road millers, screening machines, loadout systems and mobile applications.

Belt scales in Calgary

Accurate/Western Scale provides you with high quality belt scales, customized to conform to the unique conditions of each installation. Factors such as conveyor length, angle, speed and material type are taken into account so as to ensure the accuracy of the weight measurements. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to request a quote, get in touch with us today.

Hopper scale inspections: what you need to know

Hopper scales and all other measuring equipment used in trade must be approved and inspected by a scale inspector accredited by Measurement Canada. This ensures fair business practices and is a requirement under the Weight and Measures Act. Keep reading to learn more about why inspections of hopper scales are important and what the inspection process involves.

Why are inspections needed?
In order for your hopper scale to be properly certified, it needs to pass an inspection from a certified scale inspector. This ensures, first and foremost, that businesses don’t short-sell customers. There are penalties for short-selling, even when it’s inadvertent. When this activity occurs, or when businesses otherwise fail to comply with Measurement Canada’s regulations, they can face the following consequences:

  • Fines of up to $50,000
  • Equipment being taken out of service until modifications or repairs are made, resulting in a loss of productivity and revenue
  • Damage to the company’s reputation

How often are inspections required?

The timeframe for mandatory inspections varies between industries. For example, in grain elevators licensed by the Canadian Grain Commission, hopper scales need to be inspected yearly; in the mining industry, hopper scales need to be inspected every two years.

In certain industries, scale inspections are recommended, but not mandatory. The onus is therefore entirely on businesses to have their scales inspected and to ensure their accuracy.

Consult the Measurement Canada website for more precise information on the timeline for mandatory inspection or recommended inspection for your hopper scale.

What’s involved in a hopper scale inspection?

The inspection process for a hopper scale, as outlined by Measurement Canada, involves the following steps.

Visual examination of installation and location

The inspector ensures, among other things, that the device is installed in accordance with restrictions and conditions listed in the notice of approval and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Visual examination of marking

The inspector ensures that the device is properly marked.

Visual examination of indicating element and recording element

The indicating element (the display) and the recording element (the printer) are inspected for accuracy and readability.

Device configuration

The functionalities of the device, such as the tare mechanism and zero setting mechanism, are inspected.


Tests are conducted to evaluate the device’s performance

Hopper scale inspection in Calgary

Accurate/Western Scale is a Measurement Canada authorized service provider. Count on our professional technicians to perform a comprehensive inspection of your hopper scale and ensure that it’s legal for trade. For more information about scale inspections, reach out to our team today.

This growing season, tip the scales in your favour

Using the proper scale can make the difference between having a profitable growing season and a less lucrative one. Here are four pieces of weighing equipment that you may want to have on your farm.

1. Hopper scale

Many farming products are stored in bins and hoppers. Hopper scales are designed to weigh a continuous product flow into batches, which enables precise control of inventory, feeding and dosage. This means fewer financial losses due to waste and poor inventory monitoring as well as increased efficiency. Hopper scales can also be certified “legal for trade,” ensuring you don’t lose money by overfilling grain containers and that your buyers get what they pay for.

2. Truck scale

There are a variety of truck scales available for purchase, and while they carry a significant cost, it can be highly advantageous to have one. First, they give you complete control over your inventory, making it easier for you to market it yourself. Second, if,you haul the bulk of your grain and oilseeds to elevators owned by major companies, having your own scale lets you save on shipping costs and ensures you won’t have to pay the fines that come with overloading a truck. Finally, owning a scale lets you double-check any shipments you receive.

3. Livestock scale

Animal weight calculations are crucial to estimating proper feed quantity, medication dosage, calving intervals, calf growth and overall production efficiency. That’s why livestock scales are so important. They come in single animal or group sizes and most of them can be used to weigh a range of livestock. With portable and stationary options available, they’re a smart investment for farming operations of any size.

4. Harvest tracking system

Harvest tracking systems are software solutions that can be coupled with existing scales to allow tracking of net loads and field production. These systems provide valuable information that can be used to increase efficiency. The Smart 1 processor remotely adjusts the scale so that the net weight of a harvest is recorded and logged. Opptional attachments provide clear signals to facilitate the process of driving on and off of the scale. The system’s USB flash drive interface allows for hassle-free data portability, and existing installations can be upgraded easily.

Commercial and industrial scale experts

Whether you’re thinking of having one of these scales installed or need weighing equipment calibrated or repaired, you can trust that Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. will provide excellent service. As Authorized Service Providers, we can also certify your scales according to Measurement Canada regulations. Call us today for more information about our products or to request an estimate.

How accurate is your scale?

To do its job properly, a commercial or industrial scale needs to be both precise and accurate. If a scale gives the same result every time you weigh something, then it’s precise. However, if that result isn’t representative of the actual weight of the object, then the scale is inaccurate. That’s a serious problem. Whether you’re weighing a truck or livestock, here’s why scale calibration and certification is so important.

It’s required by law

Any scale used for commercial purposes has to be certified as “legal for trade,” either by a Measurement Canada inspector or by an Authorized Service Provider. That’s because accuracy means money. There’s a staggering range of goods bought and sold by weight across the country, and accurate scales ensure that these transactions happen in a fair marketplace. Accuracy is also a concern for the transportation industry. Inaccurate scales may miss overloaded trucks, which can lead to hefty fines and pose serious safety concerns.

Complying with regulations is good business

Ensuring the accuracy of your equipment will help you avoid setbacks. An inaccurate piece of weighing equipment needs to be repaired as soon as possible, which often involves taking it out of service for some time. This means lower income and productivity, not to mention potential lost profits as a direct consequence of the scale’s inaccuracy. In some cases, a company can be fined for using defective equipment, and its reputation will likely take a hit as a result.

Regular calibration and certification can save you money

Regular calibration ensures that inaccurate equipment is identified quickly. This allows for timely repairs and minimizes potential productivity and profit losses. Sticking to a strict calibration schedule also increases your customers’ satisfaction and results in fewer complaints and refunds.

Pre-scheduled maintenance contracts make complying with mandatory inspection requirements easy and will ensure that your equipment doesn’t stay off the mark for long. Remember, even if a scale is certified, owners and users remain legally responsible for the accuracy of their equipment. Certification guarantees your equipment meets legal requirements, which protects your business and promotes customer confidence.

Authorized Service Providers in Calgary

Scale calibration and certification are crucial for any business that sells goods by weight or transports merchandise. As Authorized Service Providers, Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. can provide scale certifications as well as repairs, installations and rentals. Call us today to find out how we can help your business.

How to choose a precision scale

Precisions scales have a wide range of applications. Finding the right one is a matter of understanding which features meet your needs. Here’s what you should keep in mind when selecting a digital precision scale.

Measurement units

The first thing to consider is whether you’ll need a scale that uses specialized units such as carats or grains. Determining which units you’ll need to use is a good starting point, as it’ll allow you to narrow down your selection. You should also factor in whether you’re likely to expand your scale’s applications in the long run.


Determining the maximum weight the scale needs to handle is another way to narrow down your options. If you need to weigh bulk or large quantities — for instance, in commercial applications — you’ll need to select a scale with a higher capacity. It’s also important to consider the size of the materials you’ll be weighing, to make sure you select a scale with a large enough plate.

Accuracy and precision

Applications requiring high accuracy typically won’t need as much capacity. Weighing medical products or working in a laboratory setting will necessitate a highly accurate scale that can take exact measurements.

Some applications will also require a scale that’s highly precise. In this case, precision refers to how consistent a scale’s readout is, whereas accuracy refers to how closely the readout matches the actual weight of the object. Keep in mind that regulations apply to the accuracy of scales used for commercial applications.

Size and portability

Some scales need to be portable, especially when used for field work. However, since a host of environmental factors influence a scale’s accuracy, it’s important to make sure that portable models are recalibrated whenever they’re moved.

It’s also important to consider how the scale is powered. If you’ll need to use it in situations where you don’t have access to a power source, then selecting one with appropriate battery life is crucial.

Other features

Depending on the materials you work with and the measurements you need to perform, you may have to select a scale that can keep a record of measurements or enables recipe weighting or piece counting. Modern digital scales are versatile, but always keep in mind that there’s a trade-off between functionalities.

Scale experts in Calgary

Selecting the right precision scale is easier with the help of a professional. You can count on Accurate/Western Scale for reliable advice. Contact us today to get a free quote or to learn more about our services, including scale rental and repair.

Why you need a lift truck scale

A lift truck scale requires a substantial investment, but it’s a smart one. Despite higher upfront costs, they have numerous advantages over traditional floor scales. Here’s why your business might benefit from one.

You have limited floor space
If you’re a new or growing company, every bit of space is valuable. Even if you can dedicate some of your available footage to a floor scale, the traffic lanes used to access it will take up a lot more space than you may be able to truly afford. Switching to a lift truck scale will free up these lanes, allowing for more efficient use of your space.

You need to increase efficiency
Many businesses need to weigh materials and integrating the weighing step into the normal workflow instead of requiring the time-consuming diversions needed with floor scales can drastically improve efficiency. A material handling scale allows for weights to be taken during normal operations, which speeds up completion times.

You want a leaner operation
Because they reduce the number of steps involved in operations and reduce resource and space usage, lift truck scales are a smart investment for companies looking to streamline their operations. Increased efficiency and lower resource use translate to higher profit margins.

You want to reduce traffic
Heavy lift truck traffic reduces efficiency, increases costs and, most importantly, can pose serious safety issues. Floor scales directly contribute to this problem by requiring drivers to make unnecessary trips.

You want to keep your employees safe
Industries that use lift trucks often work with pallets. Equipping your trucks with scales will reduce the risk of overloaded pallet racking. Overloading the racking can compromise its structural integrity, leading to extremely costly accidents and severe or fatal injuries.

Equipping lift trucks with material handling scales ensures that workers know exactly how much weight is being put on the racking. It also eliminates the need for trips to the floor scale, which are time-consuming.

Industrial and commercial weighing solutions
Every business is different and choosing the right lift truck scale requires the help of an experienced professional. For all your industrial and commercial scale needs, trust Accurate/Western Scale. We’re accredited by Measurement Canada to perform regulation scale calibration and with 21 years of experience in the industry, you can rely on us to help with everything from installation to repairs. Contact us today to discuss your business’ needs or to learn more about the scales we offer.

Choosing the right company to certify your scale equipment

In 2014 changes were brought to Canada’s Weights and Measures Act requiring that all weighing and measuring devices used for trade in Canada be certified. Every business is responsible for arranging for the certification of their equipment.

Choose an Authorized Service Provider

Only Measurement Canada inspectors and Authorized Service Providers can confer certification. The latter have been accredited by Measurement Canada; by working with them you kill two birds with one stone. For Authorized Service Providers not only certify scales, they’re also qualified to recalibrate scales that provide inaccurate measurements. In such cases, once the scale has been calibrated, certification can then be provided.

Why certification is important

The regulations on scale certification are in place to ensure, first and foremost, fair transactions in the marketplace. When a company’s weighing and measuring devices are certified, customers know they can trust the product and the business. In addition, it facilitates operations on the company’s end by preventing any issues arising from inaccurate measurements. When your weighing or measuring device has been certified, you’re provided with a certification sticker, which indicates to customers and inspectors your compliance to the legal standard. Failure to comply with regulations on scale certification can result in the following negative consequences:

  • Equipment being taken out of service until the issue is resolved, resulting in interrupted operations
  • Your business being subjected to fines
  • Your business being subjected to a closure
  • Your company’s image and reputation being negatively affected

Scale certification in Alberta

Looking for a trusted company to inspect and certify your weighing devices? Then trust the team at Accurate/Western Scale. We have four service personnel who have been accredited as scale inspectors by Measurement Canada. And our highly skilled technicians are able to provide you with efficient scale calibrations. The test weights we use for calibrations are all traceable standards and are certified by Measurement Canada. The weights we work with run the gamut from 1-gram weights used for laboratory balances to the 500-kilogram weights used for truck scales.

Scale certification and calibration is just a small part of what we do at Accurate/Western Scale. Based in Calgary, Alberta, we’re one of the largest scale manufacturers in Canada, and we supply and install a large range of scale equipment, including hopper, tank, truck, rail and axle scales. Our service area includes Calgary, Swift Current and other towns and cities across Alberta and Western Canada. Contact us today for more information.

Scale calibration and certification: the key information

If your business sells products by weight, it’s essential that your scales are calibrated and certified. If you’re unclear about what’s meant by the terms calibration or certification, we can shed some light on the subject, as these are two services our team at Accurate/Western Scale is qualified to perform.

What is scale calibration?

Scale calibration involves testing and adjusting a weighing system to ensure its accuracy. This procedure is done by qualified technicians, as specialized equipment and training is required to bring a scale within a narrow margin of error.

Having a professionally calibrated scale ensures that businesses are engaging in fair dealings with their customers and it’s a prerequisite for certification.

What is scale certification?

Scale certification involves inspecting and approving measurement devices to ensure their accuracy. This is done by Authorized Service Providers—scale inspectors who have been accredited by Measurement Canada. It’s a legal requirement that measuring devices used for trade in Canada receive certification, and Measurement Canada enforces this rule through inspection visits.

Businesses that fail to comply with the regulations may see their equipment taken out of service until the necessary repairs are made, resulting in a loss of productivity and income. They may also be subject to fines and closures. Addotionally, this can have a negative effect on a company’s reputation.

Once you’re scale has been certified by an Authorized Service Provider, you receive a government-issued sticker.

Accurate/Western Scale is an Authorized Service Provider. We can inspect your scale to ensure it adheres to government regulations. If the equipment is faulty, we’re able to repair and/or calibrate your scale and provide certification once it has been brought back into compliance.

Keeping your scales functioning well

Since degradation can influence a scale’s functioning, it’s essential that you keep your equipment in good shape. We recommend the following:

  • Using your scale only for its intended purpose

  • Training your staff to use it correctly

  • Protecting it from damage

You should also have your scale inspected regularly by a professional technician to be sure that it continues to meet government regulations.

Scale calibration and certification in Calgary

If you need an Authorized Service Provider to inspect and certify your scale, get in touch with us at Accurate/Western Scale. We provide scale calibrations and certifications, and we’re also one of the largest scale manufacturers in Canada. We’re your source for state-of-the-art hopper, tank, truck, rail and axle scales and more. Based in Calgary, Alberta, our service area extends across Western Canada. Contact us today!

5 Advantages to using animal scales for your livestock business

Regularly weighing livestock has become an integral part of modern animal farming. It provides farmers with useful data for a number of key management decisions. Here are five advantages you enjoy when you use a high-quality animal scale on your farm.

1. Close monitoring of your animals health

When an animal falls sick, it can be a long time before you notice any outward changes in its appearance or behaviour. Weighing an animal is one of the most effective methods for verifying its health. As soon as you notice a drop in an animal’s wait, you should have it looked at by a veterinarian. In the case of illness or disease, early treatment can cure the animal and help eliminate the risk of the illness spreading.

2. Smart breeding decisions

There are optimal weights for animals to breed at. By regularly weighing your animals, you’ll be able to have a more precise indication of when the right time to breed is.

3. Optimal feeding portions

Monitoring weight gain allows you to calculate feed conversation rates, which lets you know if you should increase or reduce feed. This information can also be used to determine when a change of diet would be beneficial.

4. Improved breeding strategy

Weighing livestock on a regular basis gives you a precise idea of which breeds gain weight the fastest. This allows you to make the most well-informed decisions when it comes to genetic selection (for instance, underperforming animals can be pulled out and the strongest performing animals can be cross-bred).

5. Optimal weaning time for calves

Regularly weighing calves allows you to identify the best moment to wean them. Weaning calves at the right time is important to ensuring that they are properly integrated into the herd. Moreover, this weight information can help you predict future growth of your calf.

By using an livestock scale, you’re sure to improve productivity on your farm. Just be sure that it’s a high-quality scale. If your weighing equipment doesn’t provide accurate information, it can do more harm than good. If you’re looking to obtain an animal scale in the Calgary area, Accurate/Western Scale can provide you with the very best. We offer a wide range of state-of-the-art multi and single animal scales.

When it comes to scale equipment, there’s no better source than Accurate/Western Scale. We supply and install a wide range of scale equipment, including hopper, tank, truck, rail, axle and livestock scales. We’re based in Calgary, Alberta, and our service area extends across Western Canada. For more information, give us a call.

4 Ways your hopper scale’s load cells can malfunction

If your hopper scale is malfunctioning, you can be confident that it’s an issue with the load cell. Load cells are extremely sturdy (some have weighing capacities of a million pounds or more), but there are four ways they can get damaged.

1. Damage caused by overloading

Not all load cells can handle seven-digit weights. Smaller portable ones, for instance, may have a capacity of only 1,000 pounds. When you buy a new hopper scale or have one custom assembled for you, you will be informed of the weighing capacity. If you overload the scale by surpassing this weight, you risk causing damage to the load cell.

2. Damage caused by moisture

The presence of moisture can negatively affect a load cell in two ways: it can come into contact with the electronic components, causing them to malfunction or it can lead to corrosion, which can harm the structural integrity of the load cell and cause a misreading. It’s important that you regularly check for moisture on your hopper scale. Especially if it’s an older one, for due to general wear and tear, it will be more susceptible to moisture infiltration.

3. Damage caused by chemicals

Contact with chemicals can damage a load cell and affect its electronic components or cause corrosion. The damage caused is likely to be extensive. Chemicals can heavily corrode a load cell and even destroy its components and structure.

4. Damage caused by electricity

Power surges and lightning strikes can cause significant damage to a load cell. This risk can be mitigated by grounding and shielding techniques and by ensuring that no outlets and circuits are overloaded.

What happens when my hopper scale’s load cell malfunctions?

The load cell can become defective in one or more of the following ways:

  • The scale doesn’t calibrate
  • The scale doesn’t reset
  • Readings are inconsistent
  • Readings don’t display
  • Zero drift occurs

In some cases the hopper scale becomes entirely inoperable.

Hopper scales in Alberta

If you’re having issues with a hopper scale assembled by Accurate/Western Scale, don’t wait to reach out to us. All repair work is guaranteed on our weigh scale equipment. And due to the smart and simple design of our hoppers, replacing a load cell is never an issue.

For a hopper scale that is level, accurate, durable and made to your specifications, trust the experts at Accurate/Western Scale. We assemble hopper, tank, truck, rail and axle scales. And we can provide nearly any type of scale rental for individuals and businesses in Calgary, Alberta, and the wider region. Contact us today!

The importance of certifying your scales and weighing equipment

When you use scales as part of your business operations, they need to be certified as “legal for trade” to show that they meet the requirements for professional weighing equipment put in place by Measurement Canada. Authorized scale inspectors like Accurate/Western Scale can certify your scales for you and get your equipment up to standard so you can be sure that it gives accurate measurements. Keep reading to learn about the importance of certifying your scales.

Why do scales need to be certified?

Scale certification ensures that weighing equipment used in trade are properly calibrated and held to the same standards so as to put the businesses that use them on an equal playing field. Federal measurement regulations are essential for creating a marketplace that’s fair to producers, merchants and consumers alike. Measurement Canada is the government agency in charge of administering the regulations set out in the Weights and Measures Act, defining units of measurements, developing specifications for trade devices and conducting scale inspections.

Having certified scales is good for your business because it ensures that you’re getting accurate measurements and aren’t leaving money on the table by listing the wrong weights when selling your products. Overall, the process ensures that buyers and sellers are getting the fairest possible bargain when it comes to exchanging goods that are priced by weight.

If you don’t comply with the Measurement Canada regulations, not only will you risk losing income due to inaccurate measurements but you could also face steep fines and have your business shut down should your company be subject to a government inspection. Such a closure could have serious effects on your business’s revenue, productivity and reputation.

Who can certify your scales?

Your scales can be certified by a representative of Measurement Canada or by a company that the agency has designated an Authorized Service Provider, such as Accurate/Western Scale. As a Measurement Canada accredited company, we have the right to inspect equipment to make sure it adheres to federal regulations. We also service scales and will re-calibrate your device if its measurements are no longer sufficiently accurate. Don’t hesitate to call us if you suspect a problem with your weighing equipment.

Schedule an appointment with authorized scale inspectors

If you’re in need of an Authorized Service Provider to perform scale certifications, get in touch with Accurate/Western Scale. In addition to selling and renting scales, we certify all types of weighing equipment—including truck, hopper, cattle and batching scales—for businesses in Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer and across Alberta. To learn more, contact us today.

5 Ways to pick the right counting scale for your business

Counting scales are used to weigh and count objects at the same time. These scales work by weighing a bunch of items together and then determining how many items are in the set by dividing the total weight by the weight of a single item. This allows manufacturers and retailers to check how many units are in a shipment or package without having to count them by hand. Counting scales are commonly used for taking inventory in retail warehouses, quality control centres and bulk food stores.

At Accurate/Western Scale, we offer counting scales that can be used for checking quantities, unit weight, total weight and accumulation data. Here are five factors to consider when choosing a counting scale for your business:

1. Weight capacity
Every counting scale has a weighing range that extends from the smallest weights the model can accurately detect to the largest weight it can safely accommodate. Choose a scale with a weighing range suitable for handling the average size of the loads you’ll be measuring.

2. Level of precision
When choosing your counting scale, think about the scale’s graduation, the size of the increments in which it reports measurements. The smaller the increments, the more precise the scale’s measurements will be. Smaller graduations are important if you’ll be weighing and counting smaller items. At Accurate/Western Scale, our counting scales range in graduation from one kilogram to 0.1 gram.

3. Platter size
You should also consider how big the area of the scale’s platform will need to be. Some counting scales have larger platters than others, so choose one that can accommodate the total number of items you’ll have on the scale at a time.

4. Measuring units
Don’t forget to think about what measuring units you’d like the weights to be reported in. With most of our counting scales, you can choose whether to have the weights reported in pounds or kilograms, depending on your industry’s preference.

5. Additional features
Counting scales are often equipped with extra features such as accumulation memory, remote scale capability and output to a computer or printer. Think about what features would be most likely to improve efficiency and productivity in your business.

Whether you oversee a stockroom, work in quality control or own a small business, Accurate/Western Scale has the right counting scale for you. We sell and rent a wide range of industrial scales— including truck, hopper and cattle scales—to businesses in Calgary, Red Deer, Lethbridge and throughout Alberta. To learn more about our scales and request a quote, contact us today.

What is an axle weighing system?

Are you in need of a truck scale system? At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we provide customers with state-of-the-art weighing equipment, available for purchase or rental. One of our most popular rental options is axle scales (sometimes called axle pads, jump scales or wheel load scales).

What are axle scales?
Axles scales measure a vehicle’s axle weights, which are the standard metric for determining a truck’s overall weight. A high-quality axle scale can provide a weight that’s accurate to within 0.25%. Their low profile and compatibility with forklifts makes them easy to use and transport. They can be temporarily installed on level asphalt, concrete or compacted gravel.

Axle scales are popular in the farming, mining and trucking industries as well as among a wide range of other companies whose operations involve the transport of heavy materials.

What are axle scales used for?
Here are two of the most common reasons axle scales are used:

1. Avoid risks and fines associated with overweight vehicles One of the main reasons to use axle scales is to avoid overweight fines. Exceeding a vehicle’s maximum axle weight is a punishable offence. It’s also detrimental for several other reasons:

• It can damage the vehicle itself, particularly axles, drive shafts, tires and the steering and braking systems.

• It endangers everyone on the road by hindering a vehicle’s breaking capabilities, decreasing stability and increasing stopping distance.

• It can put undue stress on roads and cause serious and costly damage.

• It causes your vehicle to consume fuel less economically.

• It can void your insurance policy.

2. Increase the efficiency of agricultural operations
Farmers often use axle scales to check weigh inputs in trucks at seeding time or weigh products harvested from the fields before they go to market or the grain bin.

What types of axle weighing solutions are available?
At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we offer the following types of axle scales:

• Loadmaster low profile axle scale
This portable scale system is a mere six inches tall and can be installed and made operational within hours. You have the option of using either a single platform to weigh one axle at a time or a multi-platform configuration to weigh entire trucks at once.

• Massload axle pad scale
Fully electronic with a large weigh surface, this scale system is low maintenance and easy to use. The pads are typically sold in pairs but can also be sold in multiples for weighing entire trucks. Its weight measurements are accurate to within 0.25%.

Buying or renting axle scales in Alberta
Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. offers superior quality truck scales to residents of Calgary and Swift Current and people all across Alberta. For further details or to request a quote, contact us today!

Could Your Business Use a Hopper Scale?

Hopper scales are mounted on load cells that measure the net weight or content of a product. They can help establish weight of everything from tankers to vessels to ball mills, dispensers, and more. They are perfect for continuous product flow and batches, especially in assembly lines, manufacturing, and grain operations.

The Benefits of Opting for Hopper Scales

Hopper scales are a significant upfront investment, but well worth the cost when you consider the benefits of using them over other weighing options. Some of the benefits include:

1. Indoor and Outdoor Use – You need a scale that can adapt to its environment, which is what makes hopper scales so unique. They can be used in the harshest of exterior and interior environments and take on everyday, hard usage with ease.

2. Easy to Use Interfaces – Today’s models are easier to use, and they have a user-friendly interface that allows you to program and calibrate effortlessly.

3. Increased Productivity – One of the most significant advantages of hopper scales is that you do not have an employee manually weigh out the item. Instead, you have an automated system, which increases productivity and allows you to generate more product in less time.

4. Improved Accuracy – What is the point of having a product if you cannot deliver consistent results? When you use hopper scales, you improve your product accuracy and quality, thus, offering your customers consistency that is typically rewarded by loyalty.

5. Multiple Materials Supported – Hopper scales can be used to handle everything from fresh and frozen products, to grain, and more.

6. Multiple Environments – You can use hoppers on land, sea, or even inside industrial warehouses.

7. Multiple Sizes – You can find hopper scales ranging from 1,000 to 500,000 pounds. They have maximum weighing accuracy and can be used for batching. Since hoppers are made from AISI 304 stainless steel, they will last your business for years. You can also find hoppers in alloy for particular applications.

Purchase Your Hopper Scales in Calgary Today

Now that you are convinced a hopper scale is the right choice for your business, come over to Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. to purchase your new scale. We offer a wide variety of hopper scales that have a maximum weight capacity of 500,000 pounds. All load cells supplied by our team are NTEP approved, which means you can rest assured your weights and measurements are accurate and compliant with local regulations.

When you work with our team, you not only get a new hopper scale, but also a team of experts who will install and calibrate your scales on a regular basis to ensure maximum accuracy.

Call us at 403-250-3232 to learn more about hopper scales for your Calgary operations. You can also complete an online contact form for information about scales available in your area of Alberta.

How Batching Scales may help your warehouse in Calgary

Many plants today use batch-blend systems to create products in bulk. While batch weighing manually is just fine, it is time-consuming and means fewer bulk items released in each period. More plants today are moving toward batching scales in Calgary because they decrease weight times and maximize efficiency.

The Benefits of Adding Batching Scales

Whether you are running small or large-scale operations in Alberta, automated weight batching systems can pay for themselves quite quickly. If you have been on the fence as to whether you should purchase one for your business, here are a few benefits that might convince you they are worth the investment:

1. Improved Product Quality – Your business relies heavily on the consistency and quality of your product. With batching scales, you have more accurate and consistent mixtures than manual practices, which means fewer issues with quality and consistency. When you continually deliver a high-quality product, customers can rely on you, and you build better loyalty as a result.

2. Improved Productivity Times – To maximize your profits, you need faster production on the line. When you use an automated weight batching scale, your system does the work for you, and you free up workers for other tasks, all while increasing productivity and overall output.

3. More Accuracy – Now you have more accurate measurements of your ingredients, which means less material wasted during production. It also makes it easier for you to track production costs and consider your pricing model.

Find the Right Batching Scales in Calgary for Your Business Batch scales are versatile and can be scaled to your exact specifications. They are ideal for everything from portable dry batch to multi-plant operations. When you need batching scales, turn to the team at Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. Our batch systems include controllers and software so that you can customize your batching preferences. Furthermore, we can support dry and water materials, including heavy-duty products like concrete mixing. With our unique system, you can build and store multiple recipe files so that your batching scale is versatile enough for all operations. Furthermore, you can rely on our team for all calibration, installation, and repair needs. When you set up a maintenance contract with us, we are here to keep your scales accurate and in compliance with local regulations.

Call us at 403-250-3232 to learn more about our batching scales or to inquire about scales for your Alberta business. You can also complete an online contact form for information about our products and services.

Does your scale control system have the right software?

If your business requires that you take highly precise measurements, having the right type of scale(s) is only half the battle. To make sure your system is fully integrated and efficient, you also need the appropriate control system, computer software and applications. A precision scale in itself can reassure your customers that they’re getting what they paid for. The right software, however, can make the weighing process more cost effective for your business. At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. we offer heavy capacity and retail scales, control systems, and software to businesses in the Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer and Swift Current areas. If you’re interested in saving time and money, you should take another look at your scale control system’s software.

What’s wrong with my manual ticketing system?
If your scales are producing manual tickets independently of your data management systems, your business will be forced to develop a complex method for entering data into your computers. By having your employees manually enter data, you create more opportunities for mistakes to be made as well as inefficiencies in your workflow.

Luckily, it’s not necessary to have employees manually track tickets and products as they’re being weighed. Having the right software in your scale control systems can take care of this task automatically, freeing up your employees for other, more important tasks such as ensuring your customers get the best service possible.

What are some specific ways new software can help my business?
At Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd., we offer our own Smart1 Software as well as Rice Lake OnTrak Software and Rice Lake TransAct Software. Benefits of these systems include:

Compatibility with a wide range of computer systems
Our software options work with a wide range of Windows operating systems.

The ability to build custom applications tailored to your needs
One of the biggest advantages to updating your software is that it gives your business the opportunity to create custom applications that meet its unique needs. Creating applications specific to your business means you’re not paying for features you don’t need.

Extensive computer skills aren’t required
Upgrading your software won’t require your employees to go through extensive training to get them up to speed.

We can build your applications for you
If you don’t have the time or expertise to create your own applications, our experts at Accurate/Western Scale Co. can create them for you. It couldn’t be easier to get the latest and best software in order to integrate your precision scales with your data management system.

If your business needs the best precision scale control system software in the Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer and Swift Current areas, contact us at Accurate/Western Scale Co. today.

Crane and Truck Heavy Duty Scales in Calgary, Alberta

Scales are handy devices. From the medical industry to industrial sites, these instruments weigh life-saving medicines, bulk recycling, or large-scale metal. Some are even used to weigh bridges. The weights and measures used when your grandparents were young are not the same as today’s technology. Today’s scales range from laboratory-delicate to robust enough to measure up to 320,000 pounds of a full-scale railcar capacity. If your business in Alberta requires accurate weighing of big loads, you will need high-quality, heavy-duty crane and truck scales.


A Variety of Calgary Industries Need Accurate Scales

When you need to meet government, industry and transportation regulations, having the correct weighing equipment is vital to your business. Consider these industries that use heavy duty crane and truck scales:

1. Trucking Industry: To keep their payloads within legal limits and avoid steep fines, the trucking industry needs to abide by strict laws. Onboard truck scales help these large vehicles moving across the country to pass inspections.

2. Railroad Industry: Keeping costs down and safety up is crucial for the railroad industry. A grain elevator has to measure the volume of corn being loaded into the rail cars to ensure regulations are met.

3. Manufacturing Industry: Construction equipment manufacturers use heavy duty scales to weigh trucks and diggers. Imagine the weight of one of these large pieces of equipment. The everyday household scale cannot hold up to the capacity of their larger cousins. Other companies may need to measure the weight of steel, wire drums, or other pieces of their processes.

4. Shipping Industry: To correctly load a freighter headed out to sea, the shipyard needs an accurate measurement of the weight on the boats. A crane scale meets that need as the operator picks up each semi-trailer and puts it in the cargo bay.

5. Other Possible Needs: If you work in hazardous areas, specialty weight systems can make your work easier. Additional uses include pallet trucks and overhead load receptors for abattoirs.

Find the Right Heavy Duty Scales in Calgary, Alberta for Your Business
Industrial scales vary depending on the business you are in. Whether you need to measure livestock, steel, grain, consumer goods, or hazardous materials, Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. can help. Our knowledgeable staff is trained in all all aspects of industrial weight management. When you need new scales, we can discuss a variety of options and products to fit your specific requirements. Many systems we offer, can be installed and ready for operation in a few hours, getting you back up and running with minimal interruption. Count on our dependable staff with years of experience to fix, update, or convert your existing weighing systems.

Additionally, you can rely on our team for authorized scale inspections. We are Measurement Canada Accredited and can certify specific trade devices on behalf of the Canadian government under the Weights & Measures Act. We maintain strict internal quality control, so you can trust us to do the job right.

Call us at 403-250-3232 to learn more about our heavy duty scales or to inquire about crane and truck scales for your Calgary, Alberta business. You can also complete an online contact form for information about our products and services or to request a quote.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Cattle Scales?

An animal is always moving, so weighing your cattle on a conventional scale is not possible. That is why more farms and livestock firms are using cattle scales in Lethbridge, Red Deer, Calgary, and surrounding cities.

Livestock scales are more accurate and easier to use because they are designed with the animal’s motion in mind. These scales are designed to handle a variety of weights and sizes of livestock too, which increases profits for your business. While helpful, they are a significant upfront investment. Therefore, you must know how to properly maintain your cattle scale and get the most out of that upfront cost. Tips for Cattle Scale Servicing and Maximizing Your Investment Now that you have a livestock scale at your farm or facility, the next step is to ensure it pays back for the cost. Luckily, you only have four critical things to remember here.

  1. Set it up correctly. Your scale can be inaccurate when it is not installed correctly. To ensure it is, have a company that specializes in livestock scales in Calgary install it for you. If you are weighing in a particular location, use a permanent scale, but install on a firm, level surface where shifting is not an issue.

  2. Electricity source. You need a constant power source for your livestock scale. Make sure the source is within reach and the area can remain dry. Power cords should never be in the way. Also, cell cables should be placed correctly for safety purposes.

  3. Remove debris frequently. To prolong the lifespan of your cattle scale, be sure to clean it regularly and remove manure and rocks. Debris can affect weight.

  4. Have your livestock scale calibrated frequently. While you might clean your scale, and have it installed correctly, that does not mean it will not require a calibration. Cattle scale servicing is a critical component of proper maintenance. Regular maintenance depends on the manufacturer’s instructions, but in most cases, you will want to re-calibrate and service monthly or quarterly.

Start with the Right Cattle Scales in Calgary, Red Deer, and Surrounding Cities To ensure your livestock business is off to the right start, purchase your cattle scale from Accurate/Western Scale Co. Ltd. We offer all-weather use livestock scales that come with a farm bar so that your scale remains level and as accurate as possible. Calibrating and balancing is done at the factory level to ensure that any installation errors are few and far between. Furthermore, our team can come out and perform cattle scale maintenance monthly or quarterly to keep your scale accurate. We offer portable group animal scales as well, which allows you to take your scale on the road and not sacrifice accuracy or efficiency. We offer scale packages ranging from 2,500 pounds to as high as 10,000 pounds.

Contact our sales team today at 403-250-3232 to schedule a consultation or to learn more about cattle scale maintenance. You may also request a quote online for your new livestock scales in Calgary, Red Deer, Lethbridge, and surrounding cities by filling out our contact form.